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"And you thought he wouldn't let us in" Adam spoke before diving into the pool while I swam over towards the floating swan.

"I never doubted it, he is trying to win over our best friend's heart. There's no way he would kick us out" She stated dramatically as she dove in after him.

I rolled my eyes at the two people who had the ability to drive me insane and keep me sane all at once. I had been nervous as we drove over because I didn't want Randy to be mad at me, bringing along my friends. And while I could tell he wasn't happy, he wasn't really upset either when we spent sometime together earlier.

He was still currently upstairs taking a call from his daughter, I could tell being a father meant a lot to him. And that meant a lot to me when Luca's dad hadn't felt the need to maintain any connection with his son. Opening myself up to Randy allowed me to admit to myself that I was excited to see him. And also allowed me to admit how great it felt to have a handsome man like him want me.

"No wonder they call you the Viper, you literally look like a predator" I heard Lacey and frowned but glanced over my shoulder to see Randy who had made his way outside.

I felt myself blush by the way he was staring at me and wished my friends hadn't called him out on it. I was familiar with the gaze though, it was the eyes of the man who had sat and watched me perform for him before playing his own game of seduction. I thrived on being in control in my room but I honestly wasn't sure who had the control when it was shared with him.

"And our Lyla is the prey" I heard Adam which caused me to take my eyes off Randy, who was entering the pool, and narrow them at him.

I squealed as I felt myself being pulled off the swan and into the water but couldn't contain my laughter as I resurfaced with Randy. He smirked as I stared into his blue eyes and I felt the need to kiss him but before I could I heard Lacey.

"Randy, do you mind if we raid your liquor cabinet?"

"How do you know I have one?" He glanced away from me as Lacey grabbed a towel before handing one to Adam.

"We spotted it when we came out here" they shrugged while he nodded and I laughed as they quickly ran inside.

"You only said yes to them so we could be alone, didn't you?" I questioned as his eyes fell on me again.

"Pretty much" He winked before leaning in to kiss me and I returned it, it was hard not to when he was shirtless before me. It was a gentle kiss as his lips moved with mine. His arm tightened around me as he held me steady in the water before he lift my legs around him and I tensed which caused him to break the kiss, "I'm sorry"

"No, its okay. I just..." I shook my head as I liked it.

"You're not regretting saying yes to me right?" He raised his eyebrow, seeming weary and I didn't blame him when I had been up and down with him ever since we met.

"No, I just realized my friends could come out at any moment." I shrugged as I knew I was close to getting carried away and I knew he was as well.

He groaned into my neck before sighing, "You test my patience, Lyla. But I fucking love it"

I giggled at his tone, "I probably should have just said no when they wanted to come along"

He leaned back and slowly removed strands of the hair clinging to my face as he spoke, "Its alright. I mean, I guess I need their approval as well, although it seems they may be easier to get on my side than you were"

"Because I'm still not sure" was all I could say instead of going into why it was hard for me to trust his intentions.

"I think you don't trust yourself" He stated.

K I T T Y // RANDY ORTONWhere stories live. Discover now