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"Well look who just took a seat in your section" I heard Lacey as I waited for my order.

I knew who it was before she even said his name as I saw Randy casually wave with a small smirk as he saw me.

"Ass" I heard Adam and rolled my eyes even though that's what he was right now.

Why the sudden detest for a man I had flown out to watch just two weeks before? The week after I had seen him I had been ignored by him and just when I felt like he was still mad Lacey had shown me pictures of him at a local Hooters. Not only was he draped with women but he had been in town and not even bothered to see me. So he was my least favourite person at this moment.

"I can cover it if you want" Lacey's voice rang behind me as she handed Adam another order slip while I took mine.

"No its okay, I can" I smiled and moved towards him after I delivered the order to the table further down from him.

"Lyla" he smiled, seeming satisfied with himself.

"Sorry I think you may have walked into the wrong establishment. We don't serve with our tits barely in our shirt" I snapped with a smile on my face when I definitely was not happy with him at all.

"You saw that." He chuckled.

"Your arms wrapped around random women, holding them on your lap with a big smile on your face? Yeah I did. I especially like the caption 'Happy man.' " 

"I was kidding" he sighed and almost groaned due to my reaction.

I knew I had unnecessarily made him upset that Sunday but I couldn't ignore the insecurities that surfaced. I expected him to still be angry but not to prove me right. Seeing the picture and all the different women just made me wonder if perhaps he had found one worthy of replacing me. 

"Well I'm not. I'll find you another waitress"

He scoffed, "You mean your best friend who probably showed you something you wouldn't have seen?"

"So she's to blame for making me feel like an idiot? I can't do this" I shook my head and quickly moved to the kitchen.

"Lyla" I heard him as I set my notepad down and took off my apron to get air outside.

"Let me go, you're not supposed to be back here" I shook my head as he clutched my arm, ignoring the surprised look on Adam's face. I turned and walked out the back door and felt him follow again not needing anyone in the diner hearing us.

"You're mad." He stated.

I glared at him, "Yes I'm mad because the last time we spoke I made it clear how I felt and you go to fucking Hooters and have girls sit on your lap with that smug fucking smile"

"I had to promote"

"Promote what? Your dick? Fuck off!"

He chuckled at my words while I continued to glare at him. "Its funny to you, you want to see me riled up? I guess you're going to throw in my face that I'm with random guys every night."


"You're such a fucking dick honestly. That's fucking torture to me, there is no comparison so I'm sick of that being thrown in my fucking face when you're the womanizer that I should have known better of. Fuck off!" I moved inside and slammed the backdoor shut and locked it.

"You did not just do that" Adam's eyes widened.

"Do not open the door."

"You know he could just come through the front again!" Adam called after me as I left the kitchen.

K I T T Y // RANDY ORTONWhere stories live. Discover now