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“Are you attending the Hall of Fame this year?” I heard Nikki even though I was trying my best to pretend like I was taking a nap on John’s tour bus, she could never leave me in peace.

“Why do you ask?” I lazily questioned because I didn’t want to answer her when I still hadn’t received an answer from Lyla. I didn’t want to bring it up when we would text or facetime because I didn’t want to possibly upset her when I wasn’t with her in person.

“I just got a picture update from my designer with my dress and it's almost done so, I am simply checking. With this feud that John and I are in, and my relationship continuously on blast, I need the good things of us working together to outshine all the hate that’s being sent my way.” I peeked at her and saw a pout forming, she was always concerned about the two cents that the world had to give.

I wasn't.

Maybe it was just a woman thing.

Maybe not.

I knew John cared about all of their opinions too, even though he probably wouldn't let her in on just how much.

“At least the storyline they are going with is you guys having a love conquers all vibe” I shrugged and ran a hand over my face to wipe off any fatigue that may have settled in while I was pretending to sleep.

“True, but please answer my question.” She narrowed her eyes at me and I resisted returning her stare with a glare of my own.

I sighed instead, “I do plan on going but whether I actually do is very much dependent on my girlfriend”

“You invited her?” She immediately questioned and was clearly surprised as she did which I tried not to be offended by.

“Why wouldn’t I?” I couldn’t contain the annoyance in my voice though.

“I don’t know. I mean, you should... I just thought it would be weird after all this time, showing up with someone else when a lot of people have always associated you with your ex”

I sighed as I understood where she was coming from but I hadn't even thought about it at all with regards to that. Yes, a large part of my career had consisted of Samantha being backstage or in the crowd but people were the last thing on my mind. “Its been years…”

“Years of you just doing your meaningless flings that was barely memorable. Showing up with a girlfriend on your arm would be a lot!” She further pointed out which caused me to sit up and stare at her. 

“So, you are saying that I made a mistake by asking her?” I raised my eyebrow and she caught the lingering annoyance as she shook her head.

“Not at all. But it would be your first time showing her to the world, apart from the social media posts. It’s a big deal.”

I rolled my eyes because now she was sounding just like Lyla had. “Now I know that she probably won’t come because of your fucking reasoning, she is not a fan of big deal situations”

“Not everyone likes the public life and with the life she has lived its easy not to want the spotlight shown on her. I say that with zero judgment, but you know how these people can get...” She explained and I was reminded that I hadn't relayed to Lyla that Nikki knew. In my defense, I hadn’t told her about what Lyla used to do, she figured it out all on her own, and since Lyla quit I guess there was no real reason to let her know.

“You sound like Renee.” I grunted as I had received a similar lecture from her about preferably dating someone within our industry because, while it was difficult, it was easier.

K I T T Y // RANDY ORTONWhere stories live. Discover now