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Hall of fame

I stared at myself in the mirror and ran my fingers over the fabric of the beautiful dress covered in polka dots before seeing an arm wrap around me and feeling Randy kiss into my neck.

I had gone back and forth with the idea of going with him because it wasn't just me attending an event with his colleagues. There were fans and it was televised, and it would be everywhere, but I tried to brush all those thoughts away and focus on being the supportive girlfriend. Lacey had joked that he had been consistent in showing up for me at my job to persuade me to which I had simply narrowed my eyes at my best friend.

When I called him to share my answer he had sounded angered and I hoped it wasn't anything concerning us but the way his mood had shifted let me know it was probably just a work thing. I had the annoying thought that it involved me or rather feared that it did, but his world didn't center around me and other things could infuriate him.

I smiled at him as we stared at each other in the mirror, I tried not to stare at him too long even though he looked rather handsome in his tux. Staring at him, really staring at him reminded me of who he was and where we were reminded me even more of who he was. It was always easy to push the magnitude of his persona to the back of my mind when we were in our own bubble but in his world I could easily be overwhelmed by it.

If Lacey were here she would be telling me its what I would be looking forward to as I walked down the aisle or something.

I frowned to myself as the idea of a wedding had unintentionally filled my mind and that was moving way too fast so I quickly shook away the thought. He opened his mouth to say something and I knew he never missed anything when it came to me so before he could question my expressions I spoke, "Should I just leave my hair like this or tie it back?"

He let go of me and stood in front of me, playfully inspecting me before speaking, "Tie it back"

"I thought you would want it loose, I know how much you love my hair" I smiled as I tied it back while he watched me.

My previous job had me under the gaze of many men and I played the shy, innocent routine well because I never liked the attention, but I needed the money. With Randy I still found myself wanting to shy away from his alluring gaze yet enjoyed being the one he was fixated on.

"I do love your hair, but I love your face so much more and it can easily get lost behind your beautiful locks. But tonight, I want the world to see that face..." He whispered as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled my body against his.

"In that case maybe I should let it loose" I groaned with a small pout but he quickly took my hands into his.

It had taken a lot out of me to agree to accompany him and it was partly thanks to Adam and Lacey reminding me it was a special night for him and I needed to get out of my head. I knew I wouldn't be the center of attention or anything but I still didn't want to possibly face the stares or deal with whatever after math. But that was me being selfish instead of focusing on the man I was with who wanted me to share in a special event with him.

I was still very much nervous though and I knew he could sense it as he traced over my fingers.

"Its okay to be nervous. But just know I'm right beside you and you don't have to say anything if you don't want to" He reassured me with a stern look in his eye and I guess it was what I needed to hear.

Being in his world I didn't know how he wanted me to be, what expectations he had of me compared to the other significant others of wrestlers or even the way his ex wife used to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2023 ⏰

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