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"You've been avoiding me.." I felt the vibration of his voice in my neck and frowned as I was alone due to it being quite early.

I had just dropped Luca off and was scheduled to open up, the club wasn't necessarily open this early but of course cleaners had to come in and things needed to be set up again. Also, someone needed to be at the phone in case there were special party requests. I was lucky I had never dealt with Bachelor Parties, they were the worst, different numbers of rowdy guys, hands everywhere you couldn't keep track. That's when you lost most control...

"You're smart, I give it you. Making notes of my off days..." He continued after I had been silent, mostly because I didn't believe he was actually here at this point. It was Monday and I believed they were out of town by now, but no, clearly not.

"For a working man you sure have been around here a lot in the last two weeks. What do you want?" I didn't bother looking at him as I wrote out the bookings I had scribbled down on a page into the actual book it needed to be in that I had searched for, for the last fifteen minutes and successfully found tossed beside the counter.

"You" He simply said as if it should have been obvious.

"Well we're closed" I mumbled not looking at him despite him leaning onto the counter beside the book.

"Did you enjoy the show, Kitty?" He smirked as I stared blankly at him, setting my pen down before I made a mistake due to his distraction.

"Did you enjoy the show, Kitty?" He smirked as I stared blankly at him, setting my pen down before I made a mistake due to his distraction

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"What show?"

He raised his eyebrow while my face didn't falter, I hadn't wanted to go and watch him but of course Luca had heard from some kids at school that they were in town. As well as the several advertisements that had seemed to be haunting me all week, I couldn't deny my child simply because I knew his hero differently. So we went, the smile on his face had been priceless, we hadn't been anywhere near the front which I appreciated but we weren't exactly high up either.

K I T T Y // RANDY ORTONWhere stories live. Discover now