●T W E N T Y - T H R E E●

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"Are you pranking me?" I groaned over the phone as I saw the Range Rover that I had sold a week ago standing in my driveway.

"What are you talking about?" Lacey’s sleepy voice filled my ear and even though it was late morning I wasn’t surprised I had called her awake because she loved sleeping in on her off days.

"You said the dealership took it back so why is my car in my driveway again?" I clarified further, hoping she would process what I was saying.

"They took it back. I gave you the cheque"

"Then how is it…"

"Are you sure it's your car?" I heard her voice as I stared out of my window at the very obvious car in my driveway.

"What do you mean?"

"Is it your car or the same one as your car"

"I don't know. It's parked in my driveway, Lace"

"I may be wrong but I think Randy may have bought you the car" Her voice raised slightly as she blurted out her thoughts.

"Why on earth would he do that?" I frowned as I had never discussed anything related to my car with him.

"I mentioned that you would be selling yours because of the money issue. I'm sorry, it just came out one day while he was waiting for you"

"Shit, Lace. This is going to confuse my mom I can't…" I groaned but saw my mother standing in the kitchen, staring at me, as soon as I turned away from the window.

"You can't what…" She questioned.

"Shit, goodluck. I'll see you at work"

"Bye" I sighed and hung up before turning to my mom. "Hey, mammi"

"I signed for it this morning. From your friend" By the tone of her voice I could tell she was digging and Randy had not left any sort of indication it was from him.

"Felix found out I sold it and wouldn't have it" I sighed, hating the lie but was also grateful I had come up with something plausible on the spot.

"And Lacey is fine with her boyfriend buying you such expensive gifts?" She raised her eyebrow, wearily.

"Yes. That was her on the phone."

"I thought it might have been from your boyfriend"

"My boyfriend?" I frowned.

"Randy Orton"

"Why would you think that he is my…" 

"You know our neighborhood, people talk. They said he was here last month while I was out, so what is this? Running around with another rich man? Do you want to repeat the past?"

I was thankful Luca was already at school because this wasn't going to go down well, "It's nothing like the past"

"It's exactly like the past. I told you those people want nothing but to use us but you didn't listen to me. Not once have you heard from that man, they are heartless"

"Randy isn't like that" I defended and knew the words had flowed from my mouth many years before when I was with Luca’s father but I knew Randy was different.

"So you are sleeping with him?"

"He is my boyfriend. " Was all I said in response

She scoffed, "He is just looking for a pretty young thing to flaunt in that sports car of his"

K I T T Y // RANDY ORTONWhere stories live. Discover now