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"So let me get this straight? He freaking surprised you with dinner at our diner?" Lacey smirked as I told her what had happened earlier in the week

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"So let me get this straight? He freaking surprised you with dinner at our diner?" Lacey smirked as I told her what had happened earlier in the week.

"Yes. And not so loud, Luca might be taking a nap but he is a light sleeper these days." I briefly glanced down the hallway, from where I was seated I could see directly into my little man's room.

"This is scream worthy though. So you guys just made out for the rest of the night?" The excitement in her eyes for me was sweet but I knew her thoughts probably weren't.

I smiled which I couldn't stop even though I was entertaining my best friend, "Pretty much."

"Urgh I would let him do so much more"

I rolled my eyes playfully at my best friend who never had a filter and while I didn't either, it was the first time I had someone in a long time.

"I know. I just... I'm keeping an open mind, I don't want to invest too much into a guy who is barely home." Even as I said it I knew it wasn't all that true.

"Letting him fuck you won't stop making you a single mom or independent woman, Lyla"

"I didn't say it would. I just don't know him as well as the world does"

She smiled a bit, "I understand. You have had your share of fun but this is the first guy who knows you have a kid. And respects you for who you are and embraces your dirty side."

I shook my head but she continued, "let's just pretend he isn't Randy Orton but a normal guy and then its totally understandable. You're scared and I would be too cause I wouldn't trust myself with that guy"

"Then I guess I shouldn't leave you two alone" I teased and her eyes widened.

"Ouch I felt those claws!" She laughed out, "but don't you worry, I love my Felix. I'm happy that you have a guy who has his shit together"

"I don't have a guy, I'm just giving him a chance"

"Well while he is on trial I say test the you know what and get yourself some action while you can. I mean no man puts in all this effort just to hit it and quit it, Lyla"

I sighed, "The hopeful part in me wants to believe that but things will happen when they are supposed to."

"And the next time things get heated are you going to stop him?"

"I guess we'll have to see."

"But..." She stopped as we heard footsteps and saw my little man stumble into the living room. He got onto the couch between us and rest his head on my chest which caused Lacey to aw.

"How'd you sleep?"

"Good. I'm hungry" he mumbled.

"Alright, I'll go fix up your lunch." I kissed his forehead before getting up and heading to the kitchen with Lacey following me.

K I T T Y // RANDY ORTONWhere stories live. Discover now