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"Yeah I'll pick her up tomorrow." I nodded along as I heard Samantha talking on the other line running over what practices Alanna would have for that day and the rest of the week even though I'd get a page with it all written down on.

I was a bit frustrated with how empty my schedule was but that they still wanted me on the road when there was nothing for me. So I asked Shane to just let me be home for the rest of the week so I could spend some time with Alanna to hopefully clear my head. I was obsessed kinda with my Kitty and didn't want to be as persistent but that also left me confused when she seemed offended when I stayed away. She was one confusing woman but what I did know is that somehow I was slowly slithering my way into her life and she was letting me.

I hung up and sighed as I stared up to see the club sign and wondered what exactly would be going down when I entered her room. I hadn't been able to schedule ahead of time mostly because I had told myself not to see her this week but I needed to. I got out of my car and entered the club about to head over to the counter but the long wavy black hair caught my eyes.

"What the hell is she doing up there?" I glanced at him and he frowned but settled his eyes on me realizing I was there.

"Chill man, its the same thing as her taking guys back to the room for a private show" He shrugged as she stood on the stage, grinding against the pole while money was tossed onto the stage as she was surrounded by men seated and leering at her.

"Its not" I gritted through my teeth as she slid down the pole.

"Well she has a job" He stated so I got the point that he was in charge and while I got privileges she was the moneymaker to him.

I sighed and moved toward the stage and sat and watched as she crawled and swayed her hips from side to side as she wore a lace night gown which I appreciated even though it barely covered the underwear accompanying it.

She sat back and flipped her hair and that's when she saw me. I smiled and she glanced away and I was quite wounded having thought we had made some progress..

I held up a $100 bill and watched her eyes fall on her boss and he signalled her to continue. She sighed, moved over to me and sat on my lap and I smirked as she moved back and forth.

My hands trailed up her tanned legs and she held onto my neck allowing the lace to cling to her front as she fell back and my fingers trailed up the center, landing between her bust before gripping her neck and pulling her face to me.

I saw a small smile creep on her face and was sure I was the only one who could see it due to her long hair hanging over us. All I wanted was to kiss her and it didn't seem like she was going to stop me as she had frozen for a bit but was now rocking back and forth again. Her body pressed against mine and I suppressed a groan as she grinded herself against me and watched her eyes close.

K I T T Y // RANDY ORTONWhere stories live. Discover now