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| Kitty|

"And then I smacked him, I mean he can look but he cannot touch!" Adam stated folding his arms as I had joined him in the kitchen with a few of the staff being delayed.

"You were wearing a pants with your butt cheeks showing, I'm pretty sure you were waiting for someone to do it. He probably didn't fit the criteria!" Lacey screamed out before grabbing the food off the pass.

"She's right huh?" I giggled.

"Hate to say it, but the bitch always is." He muttered and I rolled my eyes and took off the hair net as there was about one order left.

"That's why we love her, she helps us not live in denial" I shrugged and he sighed dramatically before placing a kiss on my cheek. "You know that's why I love helping you, always get amazing rewards."

"I know, my lips are precious" he winked and I threw the net his way before vacating the kitchen.

"You won't believe who is here and in your section" I heard Lacey and frowned as I tied my hair into a ponytail and felt eyes on me but as soon as I stared in the direction his eyes were lowered to the menu.

Are you kidding me?

"I didn't even know they were in town. I would have gotten us tickets" I heard Lacey beside me as I placed on my apron, making sure my eyes remained down.

"You're barely making rent and you want to go to a wrestling show, you like him so much? Then cover for me." I smiled and made my way to the doors leading to the kitchen but her hands pulled me back.

"Why wouldn't you want to serve him! He is gorgeous! Oh my word you have a crush on him, makes sense with how Luca loves him" She rambled with a huge grin.

"Why wouldn't you want to serve him! He is gorgeous! Oh my word you have a crush on him, makes sense with how Luca loves him" She rambled with a huge grin

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I rolled my eyes not needing her pointing out things that I didn't even want to put out there. Yes, maybe I had missed him and felt disappointed that he had just disappeared after almost sleeping with me. But seeing him again and with my family around, made me realize how anything with him would have been my two worlds colliding.

K I T T Y // RANDY ORTONWhere stories live. Discover now