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"Where are we?" She questioned, sitting up as she realized the car had come to a halt

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"Where are we?" She questioned, sitting up as she realized the car had come to a halt.

"My house. Come on" I opened my door and stood in the doorway waiting for her to do the same but she didn't so I moved to open the door for her and she hopped out.

"You are rich." Her eyes were slightly amazed as she took in the outside of the mansion.

I chuckled, and wiped her cheeks and I could tell her anger was gone due to her tears having stopped falling. And the fact that she actually allowed me to touch her.

"I'm honestly sorry for losing my temper. I just don't want to see you uncomfortable. And I know you were with me but I know you know I'm a good guy and that guy wasn't."
She nodded.

I moved ahead and opened the door and let her in. She stared around wide-eyed at everything, making me smile as she did.

"You live alone?"

"Well mostly.." I shrugged with a small smile.

"Oh" She nodded and I frowned as we moved into the lounge area.

"Er I meant my daughter sometimes stays with me. I don't have anyone, I wouldn't have attempted to sleep with you if I had Kitty."

"You were shouting my name and now its Kitty." She sighed as she moved towards a cabinet and saw the pictures of Alanna and I.

"She's beautiful" She smiled, her eyes lighting up at the sight of them which of course made me smile considering I hadn't really mentioned Alanna. I simply assumed every woman I met knew everything about me but it was clear she wasn't online stalking every detail about me even though I wouldn't have minded if she did.

"Yes she is. How old is Luca?" I questioned as she walked along the fireplace eyeing all the pictures.

"He'll be six soon."

I frowned briefly, realizing how young she had been when she had him. I wasn't sure of her age now as she had told me but she had been angry while stating it.

"She's eight."

She nodded and then turned to me and jumped slightly realizing how close I had gotten.
"You can drop me off at the diner. I'll just stay there, I don't want to inconvenience you. I shouldn't be here I..."

I grabbed her face and kissed her, she tensed but kissed me back. I should have let her finish but I loved seeing her out of the dimly lit rooms and felt her fingers hold onto my arms as they wrapped around her. I pushed my tongue past her lips and heard a faint moan as my hand lowered and gave her ass a squeeze and pulled her against me.

I let my fingers move down to her coat and untied it and slipped my hands inside over her waist feeling the lace against my finger tips, gripping it and pulled her closer but she quickly moved away.

K I T T Y // RANDY ORTONWhere stories live. Discover now