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“He is absolutely adorable” I gushed as we watched Winston run ahead while we walked on the beach. I had been surprised when Nikki had asked me to join her but I wasn’t going to decline and seem rude.

“I know right, I honestly had no intention of even getting a puppy when I stumbled upon him but I couldn’t resist. He is my baby…” She smiled while I nodded.

“I would love to get a dog, my son Luca constantly begs me for one but I just don’t have the time. You know when they are that age you are basically raising the puppies and I already have to juggle work and spending time with him” I said thoughtfully, I felt bad because he adored Lacey’s dog but he did spend a good amount of time at her place so he still got to enjoy it.

“Oh, where do you work?” I heard her as she picked up the tennis ball and threw it ahead for Winston.

“I work at a local diner, back home…” I mumbled realizing the dog thought had led to me getting a bit carried away while I spoke.

“What’s with the tone? I was close to your age when I worked at Hooters so you don’t need to be ashamed of anything. We do what we have to do to get by until we can do what we want” She smiled genuinely and I recalled the time I had angrily dissed the women that worked at Hooters due to my jealousy that Randy had gone there.

“I don’t mean to sound ashamed, I love my job. I have my best friends working with me and its convenient but I cant help my tone when I realize how crazy me being his girlfriend might seem to the world” I admitted honestly and she stopped to stand in front of me.

“In this business I have grown to have a thick skin but honestly I still get ridiculed every day because people think I'm not good enough for John. I'm not an intellectual, I'm not some famous actress but I don’t allow that to get to me because once I start picking apart why he would deserve better is when I will probably end up losing the relationship. Besides, as you grow within your relationship you will realize there is so much to focus on and build within it that you don’t have time to wonder what the world thinks” 

“For someone that is not an intellectual, you are definitely wise” I giggled feeling abit more relaxed, I hadn’t thought she would be cruel but I also wasn’t sure how she would perceive me and react due to her being protective over Randy.

“Please say that in front of Brie in the future” She laughed out, “He has you under his spell huh?”

“What do you mean?”

“Randy is a charmer, he can make any woman do what he wants with those baby blues and his smirk. But I know the look of women, they just want to fuck him and he knows it. Im sure he is great in bed but you look at him with this adoration, its cute” She shrugged and I smiled as she reminded me a lot of Lacey, they just said whatever they wanted to without fear of judgement which I admired.

“I do adore him, he is amazing. I mean, in the beginning it was more annoyance than adoration but he has grown on me and also showed more of the man behind whats on screen”

She nodded and seemed to be thinking so I continued, “You have a lovely apartment, I'm sorry Randy sprung me joining on you guys”

“It's no problem. I'm sure it was his plan all along, he just likes to do his own thing but he has good intentions most of the time. He really seems to adore you as well, sometimes we cant choose who we fall for and at what time. But please don’t ever feel like you aren’t good enough to be with him because of his career, even when the world hates.”

I glanced towards the beach houses before focusing on Winston making his way towards us, “I don’t really plan on the world finding out, I like being private. I mean, its not like we have to deal with paparazzi like you and John”

K I T T Y // RANDY ORTONWhere stories live. Discover now