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“I thought you weren’t going to be here today” I heard Nikki as she came down the staircase.

“It is my house, in case you forgot that fact, and you are my guest for the week”

She rolled her eyes before pouring out the remainder of the protein shake I had blended as a breakfast. “I know that but I thought you were going to have breakfast at the diner and then hang out with Lyla somewhere. I wouldn’t have told the Birdiebee people they could come shoot here if I knew you would be home”

“I told you I don’t mind that my house is going to be filled with models” I joked which earned me a glare from her.

“I was more considering your girlfriend than anything else but why are you here?” She asked again.

I shrugged and glanced at my phone while feeling her eyes on me as she waited for an answer I didn’t feel like giving her. I groaned as she continuously poked my shoulder which sounded like it shouldn’t have hurt but it did. “She hasn’t been answering my texts for the last couple of days, okay? I went by the diner and she wasn’t there, and her friends weren’t in yet”

I was used to being iced out by her before we became official, and if I had done something stupid like hang out at Hooters. But the last time I had seen her she had dropped me off at the airport, kissed me goodbye and we had talked everyday.

“Is she even okay? Have you been to her house?” She frowned as concern filled her face. I was concerned as well but she had been to the diner yesterday according to her boss and worked her shift, so I knew she was just avoiding me.

“Her mom isn’t my biggest fan so I don’t want to risk showing up and having her answer the door” I shrugged, that was partially the reason but I also didn’t want to make Lyla uncomfortable by having me and her mom in the same room unexpectedly. If she had wanted to have a proper meeting with her daughter’s boyfriend, I would have gotten the invitation by now.

“Seriously? Randy, come on we are going to her house right now” She rolled her eyes.

“I am serious. The woman met me once and despises me, there is a reason I go to the diner to meet up with Lyla. ”

“If I wasn’t worried about Lyla I would honestly find this hilarious because you are a grown man, Randy. Let’s go!”

“Don’t you have a photoshoot to be concerned about?” I reminded her and hoped it would get me out of it. I would head to the diner again in a few hours to hear what might have happened.

“It's still a few hours till they arrive, so no excuses. I mean, facing her mom has to be better than you staring into space and wondering how you fucked up” She scoffed and left the kitchen while I reluctantly followed her as I took my keys.

“Hey, why do you just assume that I fucked up?” I screamed as she had gotten in the passenger side as soon as I hit the unlock button.

“Because why else would she be avoiding you?” She shrugged as I entered the car.

“I don’t know, sometimes I think I know and then her reasoning throws me off, so who knows” I mumbled as we pulled out of the driveway.

“Maybe the fact that you blurted out that you loved her while fighting with John freaked her out”

I glared at her, “I don’t want to get into your boyfriend being an ass”

“I love how when its all great he is your best friend but the moment you are pissed off at him its my boyfriend

K I T T Y // RANDY ORTONWhere stories live. Discover now