Overcoming fear [Error and Fresh]

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Listen, I wasn't really sure if I should publish it at the beginning, but lemme tell you. I just had exams in my college and I don't fear nothing anymore, so might as well.


Breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out...

Error clutched his jacket as he tried to follow the pattern repeating in his head. He let the fabric go as he attempted to calm himself down while he was trembling a bit, his posture tense.

"Why am I panicking? Everything will be ok. I don't dislike touching anymore, it's-it's ok."

Despite his thoughts he couldn't properly relax. He opened a portal to a random AU to see the time on some clock, even though he already knew that he was late to his date with Fresh.

The said skeleton had been helping Error overcome his haphephobia and after a long, long time he could finally touch others with no problem, or at least touch Fresh normally, touching other still freaked him out sometimes.

Nonetheless touching Fresh didn't and well, he was happy. After such a long time dealing with his fear, he could finally relax when it came to it. Even though he tried to contain his excitement when he and Fresh were holding hands, hugging or basically touching in an affectionate way, he couldn't, especially not at the begging. He truly enjoyed that and often couldn't wait to meet with his boyfriend again and feel his touch, however today was different.

Fresh asked him out on a date, per usual, but it would be a specific one. Basically he said they should cuddle. Error was slightly confused, but accepted it after Fresh convinced him that "Other folks in relationships do it all the time, trust me boyfriendo, it's super rad."

However now he was nervous and not sure of any progress he made with his haphephobia. Sure, they did all kind of touches, but they didn't cuddle before. What if it freaks Error out? What if it hurts?

He knew he should have already came to Fresh's house, which was situated in an uninhabitated AU, but couldn't bring himself to, being too nervous.

"Why am I nervous? Phobias are irrational after all, so there's no reason to be. It's just like hugging, right? It's just longer and usually done while laying down. It's almost no different. And I like hugging..." It would be extremely embarrassing for him to admit to that, but fortunately no-one could hear his thoughts, especially since he was alone in the cold anti-void.

The time was passing and finally Error felt a pair of hands around his middle which carried him through the portal, making him squeak, not in fear, but rather in surprise.

One glance at the place and Error knew he was at Fresh's house, or rather his living room. He quickly turned around, only to face his parasitic lover.

"F-Fresh. What was that for?"

"Nothing brah." He smiled at him. "You were just takin' a whole lot of time, so I thought you mighta forgot about our dis here date, so I decided to bring you myself.

"I didn't forget, I just-." Error stopped himself when he realized he wanted to share his worries. No way he's doing that. "-just got lost in thoughts, that's all."

"Hmmm, okay." Error couldn't tell if he actually believed him, or just decided not to drag it. "Anyways, take a lookity look Glitchy, I prepared the crib a little for our special date."

And Error did, actually the only difference he could point was the fact that there were more pillows on the couch and also a single blanket laying near it on the floor. So they were really doing it, huh? He gulped nervously and gave a single nod of acknowledgement.

Error's book of angst and fluff (finished)Where stories live. Discover now