The big cleaning [Bad Sans Poly]

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Killer was walking frantically in a circle in the main living room, while Error, Dust and Cross observed him with confused expressions. Just a while ago, after Nightmare had left, he apparently went to everyone's room telling them to gather downstairs.

Most of them were already here and huddling on the couch, waiting only for Horror now. They didn't know what announcement Killer was planning to say, but it must have been somehow connected with the fact that Nightmare wasn't there right now.

After a moment they heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Horror half yelled seeing that everyone else was already there.

He entered the room and sat on the couch next to Error and automatically hugged him with one arm. The black skeleton smiled gently and pulled himself closer to the other, leaning on him.

Seeing this Dust gave them a playfully "disapproving" look and cuddled closer to Cross who, when he noticed that, wrapped his arms around him.

At this moment Killer cleared his throat making everyone look on him.

"Sorry Killer." Dust chuckled amused. "So what is it that you wanted to talk about?"

Killer smiled seeing that their attention was on him now. He loved them all and seeing them being affectionate with each other, but right now he had something important to tell.

'Sooo, I was thinking-" But before he could finish Cross butted in.

"You do that often?" Ha said with a smug grin.

The others bursted into quieter or louder laughter. Even Killer chuckled a bit.

"Ok, but seriously,here's the deal. Nighty is always so helpful to us. I mean, he does the meals usually, cleans and basically does a lot of umm, house chores, right?"

The others nodded in unison.

"And since he left today for such a long time, I had an idea. What if in that time we all did these chores, so he can rest and know that he can count on us with those? I know that he doesn't need to sleep as much as we do, but I think that he could definitely take a break." Killer finished waiting for reactions. It's not that Nightmare did all the chores all the time, but he was somewhat a clean frick and often did them during night time, when he could have at least lay down.

"I think that's a great idea." Started Dust getting out of Cross' grasp.



"I agree. Sounds good." Error added in the conversation.

"Cross, Horror, do you agree?" Killer asked getting nods from the two, making him almost clap his hands.

"Wait, did Nightmare say when he will come back?" Horror questioned looking at the clock. It was currently 12 pm.

They all looked at each other, but none had a clear answer.

Finally Killer shrugged. "Eh, when he comes out for negativity hunt he usually comes back around the evening, so we have quite a long time."

"True that. Is there...any plan or something?" Cross rose a brow at Killer curiously.

"Er, not really, I just thought that we should take whatever we feel like, and if someone finishes, they can help others."

"I would like to wash the dishes then." Error quickly claimed. He sometimes did that and it wasn't that bad in his opinion.

"Oh! I will do the vacuuming then." Cross declared. Of course it would take a really, really long time to clean the whole castle, but he meant their rooms and the living room. That's where they usually stayed.

Error's book of angst and fluff (finished)Where stories live. Discover now