Online classes [Error and Nightmare]

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Guess what I based this one on.

Anyway if you go to college and something here doesn't make sense, it's probably the difference between countries. Just saying.


Error was extremely nervous. First day of new school or well, college in this case, was rarely calm for anybody, especially for him. The fact that all the classes were online relieved him a little, but not as much as he would like.

Since it was dangerous to organize an official beggining of the academic year due to pandemic, everything began with the normal classes, which started today and Error was an anxious mess.

Knowing what he was thinking one could assume that he suffered from anxiety and he honestly would like to know if he did. Even if he had his suspicions he didn't just like to assume things, based only on his own knowledge. The facts however was that he was fretful about whatever would happen today. Everything made him nervous. New people in his group, new teachers, but he especially feared that he would be forced to speak during the online lessons and make a fool out of himself. The only relief was that today was friday, which meant that he would have an entire weekend to rest and de-stress after that. But first he had to make it through the day.

Nightmare offered to sit quietly next to him the entire time and silently calm him down, since he knew about Error's nervousness, but his boyfriend refused. He didn't want to bother him, however that he did not say.

Error's hand was slightly covered in sweat, while he hold the mouse ready to join upcoming class. He looked around himself to see if every possibly needed item was there. When the meeting appeared he gulped and joined. As much as he didn't want to do this, he would regret it much more if he didn't participate, since he would have to ask somebody from his group what was going on today. There's no way in hell he's doing that, especially since he didn't know anybody one bit.

The online classes seemed to go on forever, not because they were necessarily boring, nope. But they were stressful. At least nobody expected the students to turn on the cameras and fortunately during all the classes Error already had today, he barely had to talk, but it still made him fell anxious, like he said something wrong. Or what if he was too quiet, or perhaps too loud, or maybe others thought that his voice sounded stupid, or that he was stupid in general...? Even if he didn't talk he was still stressed that his mic would turn on on accident while he was murmuring to himself, or that he would suddenly be questioned.

The fact that there was only one last class remaining didn't really help. Sure, there would be no more after that, but the worst things always happen when you aren't expecting them, don't they? So he still couldn't relax. Plus, he couldn't even bring himself to leave his room even during breaks, since he was too anxious that another meeting would start earlier and he wouldn't be on time, besides he didn't want Nightmare to see him being so...shaky and probably pale.

All of this and his nervousness made him feel a bit sick, but he still refused to get out, keeping his eyes on the screen absent-mindedly.

In the middle of the last class and in the peak of Error's nervousness, suddenly the closed doors of his room opened, making him almost jump in his seat. Still wearing his headphones he turned his head to see Nightmare who was looking at him.

He knew that Error was stressed about today and wanted to check on him, but after he didn't come out of his room for a long time he decided to go inside it, remembering that he should finish soon. One look at his boyfriend's tense expression was enough to know that he wasn't doing so good. He sighed and sat next to Error in the spare seat. He had told him to leave him alone, but Nightmare was pretty sure he actually wanted help, however he didn't want to admit it.

The glitching skeleton just glanced at him, but didn't protest. He already felt a bit better, knowing that his lover was near.

Nightmare nodded at him to let him know that he is not going anywhere and Error gave a weak smile before returning to attentively listening and writing notes.

Suddenly he felt two hands massaging his shoulders slowly. He leaned into the touch not stopping his actions, but relaxing a little. After continuing for a while, Nightmare sat down again and took Error's hand into his, squeezing it reassuringly.

"Hey, it's alright. It will be over soon. I know it's stressful, but just think about when this ends and the weekend starts. Once this is over you can come into my arms and we can cuddle for a long, long time." Nightmare said quietly, but loud enough for his boyfriend to hear him, even with his headphones. Speaking of whom, Error blushed softly at the thought, squeezing Nightmare's hand in return.

Some time has passed while the goopy skeleton never let go of Error's hand, until he spoke again.

"It's almost over, just a few more minutes. You're doing great." Error nodded absent-mindedly, but turned to give Nightmare a small smile.

Minutes passed and the nervous skeleton's posture relaxed a bit, making it known that it was almost the end.

"Just a minute Error. It's practically over." Nightmare drew tiny circles on his knuckles with his fingers.

Finally Error left the meeting taking off his headphones, quickly turned off the laptop and sighed, calming down at last.

Nightmare stood up and opened his arms for Error, who wordlessly came close and let him hug him, returning the gesture in a tired manner. He hid his face in Nightmare's chest.

"Thanks Night. You didn't have to though."

"But I wanted to, besides I can tell that you really needed that. You can ask me if you need help. With anything. Either way it doesn't matter right now. Let's not think about it. I said that we could cuddle and relax, are you up to it?" Nightmare asked rubbing small circles on Error's back.

"Yes...please...and thanks." The glitching skeleton answered quietly and leaned more on his boyfriend.

Nightmare didn't need to be told twice, he picked his tired lover up and walked with him to the couch in the living room. Not letting go he managed to lay down with Error, who was cuddling close to his chest on top of him.

Nightmare wrapped his arms around him and after whispering some sweet nothings into his ear, let the comfortable silence fall between them, neither wanting to get up any time soon.

Error's book of angst and fluff (finished)Where stories live. Discover now