A nice, warm bath [Error and Nightmare]

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A portal leading to the mansion has opened and two skeletons came through it. One of them being Nightmare and the other was Error. Both of them were breathing quickly and the latter almost stumbled over his feet.

What made them tired was the whole day of causing destruction and negativity. They did it from time to time in order not to have to do it too often, but it resulted in being really tired after that day.

"We should get some rest, but before that let's take a bath." Nightmare suggested looking at Error who was leaning on his shoulder. That would not only clean them, since there was quite a lot of blood and dust on them, but also help with relaxing.

Error nodded immediately. There's nothing like a nice, warm bath, especially now. "Can we use the hot tub?"

"Of course, that's what I was planning to suggest as well."

The skeletons started heading to the bathroom. Hey, the hot tubs may not be normally used for bathing, but it was warm and comforting and they can do whatever they want, it's not like there was anyone to judge them.

They finally reached their destination and went inside. Nightmare has set the hot tub and turned it on, while Error started undressing himself, the other quickly following. The water soon became pleasantly hot and the bubbles started to form.

Both have went in and sank into the water. Error loosened almost fully and let the warm water soothe him. He leaned his head against the wall of the tub and slid down, so the water was just below his skull. He felt the bubbles hit his sore bones. That all combined made him relax as he closed his eyes and a soft blush appeared on his face.

The glitching skeleton opened one of his eyes to look at Nightmare and see him in a similar state. He was smiling and sighing contently. Error knew that they weren't going to talk much, both were tired after all, so he closed his eyes again.

A while has passed like that when Nightmare finally decided to speak.

"Hey, we should still properly clean ourselves." He wrapped his arm around the other's shoulders grabbing his attention.

"Huh? Oh yeah, right." Error yawned a little and reached for a shower gel. He opened it and smelled. Strawberries, nice.

He poured out a good amount on his hand and started cleaning Nightmare's bones. They always helped out ecah other like that. It was nice and felt right.

"Thanks Glitchy." Nightmare smiled softly and pet Error's skull. The skeleton leaned into the touch, but quickly focused once again on his task.

Nightmare let him do it and after he was done kissed him gently on the forehead. Error blushed and smiled lazily at him. All this movement left him pretty tired.

"Well, now it's your turn. Come a little closer." Said Nightmare and took some of the gel on his own hands.

Meanwhile, Error did get closer and he directed his hands at him, rubbing and massaging his bones thoroughly.

Error sighed in pleasure and leaned into the touch.

"You know, you did a really good job today Error." Said Nightmare as he carresed the other's ribs.

"Mmmm you too Nightyyy. Glad that's over though." Error answered and put his almost entire weight on his boyfriend. He felt so good right now.

The guardian just smiled and continued. His hands wandered on his ribs, arms, neck and other places and now were rubbing his back. Error's face flushed a little more as he moaned and cuddled closer to Nightmare. His whole back was such a sweet spot to him, he always melted when he was touched lovingly there.

Nightmare of course knew that, purposefully focusing on this place and stayed there longer making Error as relaxed as ever. He kept this up for a long time until his arms were sore.

Error was now fully relaxed and felt Nightmare bringing him close into a hug, which he gratefully returned.

"Thanks Night, that felt great."

"No problem, I was just returning the favor." Nightmare smirked and brought him closer.

They cuddled like that for a long time, until the warmness and comfort made them almost fall asleep.

Nightmare's eye was fully closed and he could feel himself slipping into the sleep, so he quickly opened his eye and looked at Error, who was laying on his chest with his arms wrapped around him, seemingly on the verge of falling asleep as well.

"Hey Error, don't fall asleep on me now, we need to go to the bed at least." He shook him gently.

"Hm?" Error rubbed his eye and looked up at Nightmare, yawning. "Oh sorry, didn't mean to."

"It's alright, we're both tired. I know that this is nice, but it seems like we will be knocked out any second now, so how's about heading out?" Nightmare asked fighting with his own sleepiness and letting out a yawn too.

"Yeah, let's go." Error reluctantly detached himself from the other and went out already missing the warm water.

Nightmare soon followed him and started drying himself with a towel. He finished and glanced at Error ,who was absent-mindedly rubbing his towel repeatedly on the same spot. He chuckled and took the item of his hands and started drying the other.

Error jumped at this action, but realised what has just happened and smiled sheepishly. "Um sorry, I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing..."

"I get it. Hey, think that from now on, we will have a lot of time for ourselves. Without exhausting ourselves so much." Nightmare then smiled and ended his action. They both changed into their night wear, did some other necessary things and left the bathroom. During the way to their shared bedroom their hands locked together.

Eventually they arrived and immediately fell down onto the bed, getting close to each other and cuddling comfortably.

"Goodnight Nighty."

"Goodnight Glitchy."

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