The end

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So yeah, this is the end of this book, yes, it is devinitive end. My brain has been wholly taken by Five Nights at Freddy's fandom, which I honestly did not expect one bit, and yet it happened. Hence, I'm finishing this book as well as most likely all of my Undertale books on this account and marking them as "complete". That's not to say that I'm not in the Undertale fandom anymore, but I'm not in it as much as I was before, and I deifnitely am not as much into it to derive enjoyment from writing stories, I would just be tired if I continued. Having said that, thank you to everyone who read this book, left votes, and even bigger thank you to those who left comments, you have no idea how motivating those are for any writer really, me included. Everyone, remember, there is nothing better a fanfic writer can get in exchange for their work than a comment. When this book started really getting some attention I fully intended to get it to 200 chapters, so the maximum number. Well, that is obviously not happening, but 39 chapters of Error-centric stories is still quite a lot. And that's not counting my other books that I guess I'll be closing one by one. And damn, it has 150k reads as of now, that is a huge number and I still don't fully comprehend it! But yeah, this is the end for my Undertale stuff. All I can really say here is... I got this many reads without writing a single smut chapter, take this suckers! What? I know on average smut gets more reads and votes than anything else ;). Anyway, feel free to transer this book to your "finished stories" list if needed. Leffee out.

Error's book of angst and fluff (finished)Where stories live. Discover now