His day [Error and Nightmare]

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Error came through the portal and tripped over himself almost falling on the floor. He groaned. This day literally couldn't get any worse. Not only did he face Ink during his destruction, but also lost. He wasn't badly injured, but it was another AU behind the creator for him. And his back hurt a lot along with his neck.

As bad as it was, it wasn't all. Apparently, before he left the castle he was wearing Nightmare's hoodie. He honestly forgot about it. Having his lover's piece of clothing on himself was familiar, so he didn't pay much attention to it when he was leaving.

That however resulted in Ink mercilessly teasing him about it. After all it wasn't hard to recognise the owner of the hoodie. It was way too big on Error, but the main feature that gave it back was the goop covering it. In the end Error was a blushing mess and couldn't focus on defending himself.

It definitely wasn't his day.

He wanted to go up the stairs to his room or something and lay down for the rest of the day. His back was killing him but, he managed to move forward. However when he took a few steps he heard someone ask.

"Error?" Nightmare was standing on top of the stairs looking at him concerned. Error looked exhausted and kinda angry. He was slouching with his eyes focusing on one spot in the distance, his face was in a frown and he was breathing fast. Nightmare also noticed him wearing his hoodie, in which he looked absolutely adorable, but decided not to question it for now.

The glitching skeleton looked up, noticing Nightmare walking down to him. A small smile appeared on his face at the sight of his boyfriend, but he was still rather angry.

"H-hi Nightmare." He said weakly.

"What happened? You look tired." Nightmare came close to him.

"I'm alright, I just fought with Ink and he- Eek! Night!" Before Error could end Nightmare gently picked him up bridal style and started going up.

"Error I love you, but you are clearly not alright. You're tired."

Error could feel his cheeks burning at the words. He still wasn't used to all the care he was shown. He sighed rather loudly and let Nightmare carry him.

The king of negativity looked down seeing him calm down a little. "Cuddles?"

"...Yes, please." Error was embarassed to admit it, but decided not to fight it. He was way too irritated for that.

Nightmare smiled softly and sat Error on the bed in his room. After that he laid himself on it with his head on the pillow and pat his chest. Error hesitated only for a while before placing himself on top of his boyfriend, wrapping his arms around his ribs. In return he felt arms and tentacles hug him back.

Error inhaled quietly and cuddled closer. It was almost perfect now, if only his bones didn't ache so much.

"Sooo Error, why are you wearing my hoodie?" Asked suddenly Nightmare.

Error flinched a little. Was he angry about it? He didn't mean to make him mad. But the truth was that he didn't ask for a permission, he just kind of borrowed it...

"I...uh, saw it today laying in your room, and I just took it..." He answered slowly avoiding Nightmare's eye.

Nightmare however saw his nervous behavior. "Hey, hey that's alright, I was just curious."

Error glanced up. "R-really? So you're not angry or anything?" He stuttered.

"What? Of course not. Actually to say the truth...you look absolutely adorable in it." Nightmare smirked slightly at him, but it was obvious that he was honest about it.

Error felt his cheeks heat up and he hid his face in Nightmare's chest. "Nightttmareeeee." He whined.

His boyfriend only laughed at that and hugged him closer.

"Error, you're so cute."

Oh, if that didn't make Error as flustered as ever. His face was absolutely burning and he refused to show it.

"I-I'm not!"

"Yes you are. I mean, look at how small you are~. This hoodie is practically hanging on you. My little glitchy~." Nightmare cooed.

Error just laid limp on him, muttering under his breath. Of course he had to tease him about his height.

"You're just freakishly tall." He stated grumpily.

"Maybe, but you're also short." Nightmare smiled triumphally squeezing the other.

However when Error felt it he jumped a little. As much as he liked the affection his back still hurt and he let out a quiet noise, "Ow."

Nightmare stopped his teasing and looked down at him worriedly. "Are you alright Error? Did I hurt you?"

"Nonono, I just... my back kinda hurts, but it's nothing really." Error shifted himself into a more comfortable position.

Nightmare raised a brow. "Why didn't you just say that before? Wait, let me just-" and with that he started rubbing his hands on Error's spine, and the back of his ribs.

"Aaaaaahh. Mhhh." Error instantly melted under his touch.

Nightmare's hands wandered around his back for a while, until they pushed under his shoulder blades and Error arched his spine. After that he started massaging his shoulders and neck. Error reacted by leaning into the touch and by making small pleasure noises. His cheeks were once again flushed. Afterwards one of his hands continued massaging his back while the other one pet his skull.

Error was so deep in the world of comfort he could bearly speak. He mostly just moaned in pleasure and smiled widely.

Nightmare also smiled upon seeing Error so happy and relieved. Both of his hands were now rubbing his back and shoulders finding every source of pain.

"So Error likes massages huh? It's worth remembering." He thought.

His fingers were scratching him gently when Error finally spoke again.

"Thaanksss, Niightmaree." He purred drowsily with his eyes closed.

"Of course my little destroyer. I will make sure to do that in the future too."

Error only nodded happily in response. Nightmare, his hoodie which he was wearing and hands on his back were making him feel more comfortable and warmer than ever.

Maybe it was his day after all.

Error's book of angst and fluff (finished)Where stories live. Discover now