Depressive [Error and Cross]

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Random thought of the day: I don't even really like ships that much to be honest. Now, I like them, just not that much. I much more like a really, really strong friendship, where the people, or rather skeletons are just really close to each other and really affectionate. I think it's called queerplatonic? I'm not sure though. Than again I think it's close enough to a ship, so I'm not complaining.


"Error?" Cross gently knocked on the door, patiently waiting for an answer. He didn't get one, but still, lack of it was better than recent "go away"s and "leave me alone"s.

Around a week ago Error fell victim to one of his depressive episodes. It's not like it was the first time, but this specific one seemed to be both stronger and longer than any previous ones. Cross and the rest of the gang tried to take care of him: bringing him meals, talking to him and trying to make him take care of himself. Key word trying.

Now though the rest of the castle residents left to gather more supplies and Cross decided to try again. He had nothing to lose after all, but a lot to gain.

Once he opened the door and stepped into the room, he was surprised to see that Error was sitting on his bed. An upgrade from earlier, since every time Cross visited him in his room this week he was laying down. He wasn't even sure if Error left his room during that time.

"Hey." Cross greeted, making said skeleton look up at him for a brief moment. Despite not sleeping he was still huddled in blankets. "How are you feeling?"

Error didn't verbally answer, just shrugging.

"Well, you must be at least a bit better since you're communicating with me." A moment of silence, in which Cross kneeled down in front of the other, so he could take a better look at him. Before he could resume speaking, Error did so.

"I guess, I'm feeling better. A bit" He said in a raspy voice. No surprise since he hasn't really been talking much recently.

Cross sighed in relief hearing that, it was a small start, but a start nonetheless.

"That's great... I uh, know from experience that once you get out from such a state you can feel very messy. Do you want me to help you with that?"

Error eyed him for a second, only to look at the floor moments later. He did feel messy, dirty, hungry, basically like he hasn't done any self-care lately, which was honestly true. He wanted to fend to those needs, but at the same time he was just so, so tired still. Merely thinking about them felt overwhelming.

Seeing that his friend hesitated with the decision, Cross decided to take matter into his own skeletal hands.

"I know that it might seem hard, but you will feel so much better once you take a shower and eat a nutritious meal. I'll help." Error was silent, before letting out a long, quiet sigh.


Hearing that Cross got to work, before the other could change his mind. He decided that first and foremost, Error should take a shower. Even if he would rather bathe in sadness, he definitely must have felt the results of not cleaning himself for such a long time. Plus, it would give him time to prepare a few things.

"Here." He handed Error a new pajamas, making him take it hesitantly. Cross toyed with an idea of giving him his normal, daily clothes, but quickly dismissed it. The more comfortable he could get him, the better.

Error seemed to understand what the monochrome skeleton wanted from him, but couldn't bring himself to get up.

"Can I touch you?" Cross asked, sensing his struggle. Everyone knows how hard it is to get up from bed, especially if Cross' hunch was correct and Error actually didn't leave it in days. And that definitely didn't happen when he was looking.

Error's book of angst and fluff (finished)Where stories live. Discover now