A new discovery [Bad Sans Poly]

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Partially wrote using a suggestion from OliveMint. (Partially, because I'm sure I would write something like that sooner or later, but thanks to them it's definitely sooner.)

I'm also hella touch starved, so take it.


"Mmmmm..." Error hummed quietly with a small, pleased smile on his face. He had to bit his lip not to smile too much or make louder noises of plausure.

Cross was currently sitting behind him on the couch and working his hands on Error's shoulders giving him a massage.

One would think that it was just a nice, relaxing moment for the two but for Error, it was that and somewhat of a necessity. After spending literal years in Anti-void and trying to sleep or lay down on its hard, flat floor had its effects on him. So it was no wonder that sometimes his body was randomly stiff or tense. Especially his back. After finding that out his boyfriends declared to help him with it and that's how it came to it.

"Does it feel good?" Cross asked not stopping, after hearing the other's hums.

"Y-Yes." Error answered trying to keep his voice collected, but failing, especially when he felt the fingers dug into the back of his neck for a moment making his face warm up.

"Good." Cross smiled as he redirected his hands on Error's back, massaging throughly. It was quite obvious that his boyfriend loved it.

He continued for a while, until his hands started really hurting from moving and working for a long time.

Error turned his head around questioningly.

"Hehe, sorry I just need to take a break." The white skeleton answered his silent question and stretched his hands a little.

"Oh, okay then."

Error took one of Cross' hands from behind him and started kissing his palm, just for the sake of it. He didn't turn to see his reaction, but the relaxed sigh he heard was enough to know that it was okay.

He kissed and studied his hand absent-mindedly.

Error thought with a frown that his own hand was...kinda small compered to Cross'.

Meanwhile Cross used his other hand to mindlessly trace his fingers on Error's back. What he did not expect was for the black skeleton to stop his actions and arch his spine a little.

Cross rose a brow and used his now free hand to copy the action. At this Error instinctively brought his shoulders up just to relax again completely, his body almost limp.

"Doooes it feel nice too?" Cross asked noticing a small blush on Error's face.

He did expect him to answer with a bit of denial as he usually did being himself, but Error just let out a quiet "yeah."

Cross smiled, it was good to hear that, especially since it was the first time he tried something like that with Error.

The Bad Sanses were in a relationship for years, but Error has only recently got completely rid of his haphephobia, so touching him without being overly careful was new to everyone.

Not to say that Error's reactions were just really cute.

He continued for a while, until he decided to experiment and started scratching his back instead. Error let out a small noise of surprise, before melting into the touch and letting out soft moans uncontrollably.

Cross' whole face lit up at that, but between the moans he heard something else. Mixed with them were...purrs.

Cross let out a quiet 'aww'. Looking at Error proved that he was in total bliss, possibly not even fully comprehending Cross' coos. His eyes were closed, his lips were in a smile which he was seemingly biting and his expression was overall relaxed and pleased.

Error's book of angst and fluff (finished)Where stories live. Discover now