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A single lit candle decorated the top of a brown-colored cake, a birthday cake to be specific. Both of the things were stolen, given that anti-void didn't exactly provide any of those. Or anything else for that matter.

Behind the gateau on the floor sat Error, but he wasn't looking at it, rather at the white nothingness which was everywhere. His currently emotionless eyes could easily rival Ink's, when we was without his vials. Eyes were one thing, but besides them, his whole being looked emotionless too and that's exactly how he felt. A single thought occured in his mind.

"Today is my birthday."

Today. The 4th of April. 404. Ah yes, an error, a mistake. Quite fitting.

He was way too aware that this date was coming since a few days ago. That's why the cake was here, he stole it yesterday from... which AU was it again? Candytale? Or perhaps he chose a different one? Was it a completely random universe? He couldn't remember, but it didn't really matter anyway. For these few days he was destroying less and less. One would think that a person like him, living in such conditions, would forget about something as trivial as his birthday, but no. The thought wouldn't leave his mind and he didn't like that. Whenever it was that time of the year, he became more unmotivated than ever.

He stole that pastry the day before, not only to make sure that it didn't get spoiled, but also because he was hoping that it would liven him up a little, it was a chocolate one after all, his favourite flavour. Most of the time he would decline everything else just to taste the treat. Nothing like that has happened, but then again he hasn't tried it yet.

From the moment he woke up today, his mind was foggy and yet somehow at the same time was working faster than ever, even though he didn't do anything and definitely didn't feel energized. Or lively. He didn't go out to destroy, he didn't watch Undernovela, he didn't knit. He just laid down for... hours? Until he decided to do something with the cake, which was laying uselessly, a noticeable distance away from his beanbag, since yesterday.

Aside from him and the cake, there were puppets of many Sanses, as well as a few Toriels and Papyruses and some others, laying around unorganised. Most of them were wrapped in few loose blue strings.

Error changed his position and sat criss-crossed on the white floor. After a while he clenched his hand on his calves and started mindlessly swaying from front to back. Finally he eyed the cake, his last hope, however he didn't feel the desire to devour it in a second, like he normally did with anything made out of chocolate.

Instead he found himself deep in thoughts. Birthdays, birthdays, b̗̜ͫ͊͋i̪ͬr̷̗̮ţ͙̈́̇̀hd̨̹̹a̘̭̐͋̒y̑s͛...

Not a long time ago was Dust's birthday, wasn't it? He rembered hazily how he observed the insides of Nightmare's house through a one-way portal. That day the castle seemed more lively than usual, but Error already knew why, he had been watching them the day before too after all. It was Dust's birthday and he wasn't sure why, or perhaps just didn't want to admit the reason to himself, but he wanted to see what would happen.

It wasn't loud, which Error was thankful for, he wasn't a fan of loud noises, but even he could tell that Dust as well as the rest were enjoying themselves. He got a gift ftom every resident of the castle, they ate a cake and some other tasty looking treats and played some games. Error liked that, it seemed like something he could enjoy too. However he didn't have anyone to celebrate with. Oh well.

Another memory was Blue's birthday. This party was louder and with more people. A lot of monsters from Underswap were there, his brother - obviously, as well as Ink, Dream and other Sanses that Blue was friends with, like Dance or Fell. There was a lot of food and dancing and chatting and some weird party games that Error couldn't grasp the point of if he tried.

Destroyer's mind suddenly flooded with many memories of the birthdays he saw over the last year and there were quite a few. He liked watching others celebrate that day, even if it made him feel worse afterwards when he closed the screen and at one moment all the noise and view disappeared.

His eyes now seemed even more lifeless than before. He tiredly reached his hand to the chocolate cake, not bothering to cut it properly and take a piece. He simply grabbed a handful of it, creating a mess which he couldn't be bothered with.

"Ḩ̵̬̖̮̈͞ả̧͢͠͠͞p̵̙̫̘̘ͫ͌p̹̤̫ͪ͏̡͡y͖̹͚̔̓͟ ͂͐b̰ͣ̿͜͠͏iͥ̈̚r͈̹͙t̰̪͙͊̎h̢̝̣̆ͬ̎͢͠d̋͏̷̨a̶̢̛̖̯̼͍͛̚͘͞ÿ̴̜́̀͢͜͠ ̛͊̄͂t͆̄ͬ͜ͅó͇͠͝ m̮͙͕̚͠ẹ̙͚͒ͤ̅."

He brought the hand closer to himself and put the food in his mouth, biting and swallowing it slowly. It was tasteless.


I wanted to write some fluff for this sad glitchy boi for his birthday and then I just didn't.

Error's book of angst and fluff (finished)Where stories live. Discover now