Loving Outer...tale? [Error and Outer]

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A cold breeze made the blades of grass move on the background of the colorful, dark sky, as an unstable, glitchy portal opened near the cliff. The skeleton on the other side peeked through it and carefully scanned the area, before stepping on the ground. He felt the familiar wind hit his bones and so he wrapped his hands around himself, trying to stay warm. Making one last check that he was alone, he sat on the ground. Being surrounded by some grass made him feel less visible than he actually was.

Error smiled in pure enjoyment, closed his eyes and took a deep breath of the fresh air. He sat like that for a while just enjoying being out of anti-void for now, the calm scenery making him feel at ease.

He opened his eyes to admire the view of the galaxy in front of him. He might have been here multiple times, but it always stunned him.

When he first came here planning to destroy it, at the first glance he knew he couldn't do it. Seeing the glory of the space made him feel small, but in a good way. He didn't want it gone, he wanted it to stay, or even become his home. Of course that couldn't happen, he couldn't just randomly start living in an AU, monsters there would freak. It was still a nice daydream though.

Everyone who knew about his hyperfixation with this universe thought that he has just fallen in love with the view, however it wasn't just it that he loved...

Suddenly Error heard the distant steps. However at this point he didn't need to fear that the person would see him. He was still pretty far away, besides the dark sky helped in hiding his dark bones and clothes. All in all he knew the monster couldn't see him at that distance. He tested it. Multiple times.

At one point though he had to teleport if he didn't want to be spotted and so he hid behind the tree, which was surrounded by some tall bushes.

Waiting for a minute he finally dared to look at the place where the other will have been sitting by now. And there he was. Outer was there, sitting just like him before, but in a slightly different place.

Error giggled to himself uncontrollably, fortunately he was far enough for the other to not hear him, as long as he kept quiet. He wasn't sure at which point it happened, but he felt funny every time he was observing the other.

At first, some time ago he just randomly opened one-way portal going through universes in order to cure his boredom, until he came across Outer. He didn't know why, but from that time he felt the need to be near him. He couldn't exactly do that physically, so he did so via screens. He wasn't sure what made him so attached to the galaxic skeleton. To be honest he was mostly like Classic, just maybe nicer? A bit. And made more space related puns? He really couldn't put his finger on a certain feature, but all he knew is that he made him happy. Or maybe he was just this lonely. However at some point it didn't feel right and that's when he decided to try and watch him directly.

He found out that Outer sometimes came near the cliff and that's why Error started coming there too. Thanks to that, he discovered that there wasn't any pattern to those visits, so if he wanted to be near him, he just had to come back as often as possible.

That's why he was hiding at the moment. He really didn't want to disrupt his privacy, but he was the only one who made him feel that much positive emotions, and this was the only way to experience them.

He observed him, with a yellow blush on his face. Oh how he wished he was just a normal skeleton, so he could at least have a chance to introduce himself and hopefully grow closer with him. Unfortunately his position as a destroyer made it impossible.

Outer and the sky made a really beautiful combo. And maybe that was what ultimately made Error fall in love with him...

However all good things must come to an end and seeing that the Sans of the AU moved from his spot, probably heading home, Error came back to the anti-void with a heavy sigh,because of the finished nice moment...his moment with Outer...The thought made the emotions return immediately and he plopped down on his beanbag, hid his blushing face in it and let out a muffled squeal.

Processing that he was in love was hard, but he didn't think too much into it. Maybe he was just lonely. Or insane.

Honestly it wasn't that bad. Sure that made him imagine some unwanted scenarios, like being close, holding hands, hugging, kissing... but at least they made him happy. So no harm done, right? Right.

Sinking into his only experienced positive feeling he fell asleep, only to wake up the next day with an obvious someone on his mind. The one certain disadvantage of being in love was that the person almost never left your mind, which was quite distracting.

Anyways he spent his day as usual. Some destroying, some fighting, eating chocolate, watching, thinking...Till the evening, or what he could only assume was evening, came.

He teleported to Outertale and reapeated all the things he did yesterday, only to end up behind the same tree. The best part of his day was about to come, the part that made him happy and cheerful.

Soon enough the familiar footsteps were heard, but for some reason it sounded like there were...more of them this time? Error didn't like that.

And so the familiar skeleton showed up with...Killer? The destroyed had to stop himself from making any sound. He might not be any close with Nightmare and his gang, even though he wished he was, but he didn't think that one of them would be...friends with him? Wait, was he?

Killer certainly didn't look hostile, he was talking with him in a calm manner, like they were long-time friends. Huh. At that moment Error felt an unwanted emotion appearing inside of him - jealousy. How come Killer could be close to Outer, but not him? He knew that there was a bunch of reasons, but the rational part of his brain wasn't working well right now.

"I really like this place, so I wanted to share it with you." It was the only thing that Error heard completely clearly from his hiding place, which made him come back to observing the two.

He saw Outer wrapping his hands around Killer's neck, who wrapped his around his waist and said something. Error's soul skipped a bit, this looked kind of intimate and he had a bad feeling about this, but he didn't really knew why... until he knew.

The two shared a long kiss.

These two. Kissed.

Error could feel his soul sinking in realization as his eyes widened. They weren't friends, no, they were...

He didn't dare to finish the thought in his head. He could feel the tears gathering in his eyes. He had to get out of there now.

He didn't even fully comprehend the process, but in a second he was standing on a white, empty floor of anti-void, as his mind worked quickly, until his eyelights grew almost emotionless and his posture slouched.

They were...Outer loved someone else.

It made him his expression change into an angry one. Not at Outer nor Killer. At himself. He had been sure that it was just an embarassing, but harmless crush, which would keep him happy for a while. But no, at the moment when he saw these two kissing he knew he seriously loved him.

"Damn it!" He screamed into nothingness, as he finally let the tears fall.

He wasn't supposed to actually love someone. Not like that. Yet alone suffer from it. And yet there he was.

And suddenly all the charm that Outertale held disappeared. He didn't feel like visiting this place ever again. It wasn't beautiful anymore. Turns out that he never really liked the place that much, but one of its residents. He lost another thing he cared about...

He stamped hard on the ground with his foot. He just never could have anything nice, could he?

Error's book of angst and fluff (finished)Where stories live. Discover now