Of the blankets and the pillows [Error and Dream]

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No any stupid "random thoughts of the day" today, instead look at what I acquired:

No any stupid "random thoughts of the day" today, instead look at what I acquired:

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Yes fellow Error enjoyer, it's an Error pushie ajajsk. He's so funking adorable and I love him and I give him tummy scratches and hugs, bc that's what he deserves. Beautiful. (Also hAnD RevEaL??!1)

Also this chapter is set in a highschool, modern or whatever you want to call it AU. Basically one where everybody is just a normal, regular monster.


The stars were passing quickly behind the bus' window on a cloudless night sky, accompanied by the stray noises of occasional snoring and the hum of the wheels. It felt as if the whole world fell asleep, besides Error, whose eyes stung with exhaustion. At the moment he regretted letting Dream have a window seat, where it would be infinitely easier to watch the stars, without having to strain his neck for a better angle. But that was the deal: they would take turns on sitting near the window, one when they were going to their destination and the other when they were coming back home... How long would it be before they arrive, again?

"Ngghh..." Error glanced to the direction of the sudden sound. He would have been more startled, had he been less tired. "Hi Error." His newly awoken friend yawned.

The black skeleton just nodded to give indication that he had heard him. He and Dream had a weird relationship. They were pretty much opposites at first glance, and yet now they were practically best friends. Error didn't even seek the other's companionship at first, or anybody's, and yet Dream himself decided to strike a conversation with him. It took a while, but eventually they became closer and closer through these small talks.

It wasn't easy though. Before Dream, Error never, ever had any friends, being much more of a "keep to yourself" skeleton and believe it or not, kind of shy. Having said that, it was really hard for him to accept and maintain this blossoming relationship. Fortunately for him, the gold-clothed monster was a patient one and thanks to that with time they became best friends. It even caused Error to be a bit clingy with his only friend, something that he didn't think he was capable of.

Dream took a generous sip of water from his bottle and moved around in his blanket looking for a comfortable position. He was ready to fall back asleep then and there, but before he could do so he eyed his friend. He looked stiff and not at all like he was planning to go to sleep any time soon. He wouldn't even worry that much, had he not known for a fact that Error was super tired.

At the moment they were on a school trip, or rather returning from one. It was one of these trips to historic cities and lasting a few days. Dream, as always, was excited to go. Error, not so much. He has never been on a tour like that before actually. He didn't really care and quite frankly found them beyond boring. Not to mention the dreaded socializing. When Dream first asked him to go too, Error was 100% sure that he would just stay as always. However after making some arrangements and making certain that the two would be together in the same room without any third party, he eventually agreed. Hey, at least he wouldn't have to go to any classes, plus he would spend few days straight with his best friend.

The trip was in fact okay. Error didn't complain as much as he thought he would. The only problem? For some reason they organised the most sightseeing and, by extension, walking for the last day. Needless to say when everybody finally settled inside the bus, all students dropped like flies. All but Error.

"Did you sleep?" A short pause followed the quiet question.

"You know that I can never sleep in new places. Especially not in an uncomfortable bus seat."

Dream hummed in thought. He did in fact knew that. Even during the first night of the trip Error barely got any sleep, because he wasn't used to that particular bed and room.

"And that's why you always should bring your own pillow and blanket." Dream said, even though he knew perfectly well that his friend didn't take those items. As mentioned before, it was his first such journey, so he wasn't really ready. Plus he thought he could handle one night.

Error just shrugged and let out an unwilling yawn. He was just about to leave Dream be and go back to doing nothing, but was surprised to feel a soft material wrapping arund his frame. He turned around to look back at the one sitting next to him, who was adjusting the blanket around them both.

"Look I appreciate that, but that doesn't change the fact that those seats are super uncomfortable."

That made Dream ponder. That was true, however he didn't want to leave his friend in that miserable state. The blanet was long enough for them to share, but not the pillow and he didn't have a second one. He just needed something that Error could lean his head on. Something comfortable.

A lightbulb switched on inside his head as an idea struck him. However he knew that upon revealing it to the other, he would most likely protest and argue. Truthfully he was too tired for that, so he let his actions speak instead of words. Not wasting another second he pulled surprised Error to himself, in a way that he would be forced to fall on him.

The only thing stopping Error from yelping in surprise once his head fell onto Dream's chest, was the dread that he would wake up others and cause a ruckus.


"Shhh." Dream interrupted him and adjusted his grip on him, while stretching as much as currently possible. "Are you more comfortable now?"

Error was quiet for a while, considering what he should say and whether he had the strength to get up. "Yeah..."

Dream opened his mouth, but before he could speak a yawn escaped from it. "Then let's try to get some sleep, alright?"

Error didn't visibly protest nor agree, but after seeing him snuggle up to him, the white-boned skeleton considered it to be a win. A few more minutes and he was out like a light. Another few minutes as well as thoughts later, and Error was too.

The next time Error opened his eyes, he was welcomed by faint light, noise of carried conversations and someone calling his name. He just groaned and snuggled more into his pillow. Though once that someone started shaking his shoulders with mighty persistence, he was forced to greet the morning.

"Ughhh, what...?" He groaned sleepily. However during that, he realized something. That either his pillow was breathing or it wasn't a pillow at all. And then he remebered, making him spring up and clumsily sit back on his seat properly.

Seeing that, Dream couldn't help but laugh softly. "Aw sorry, but I had to wake you up, we're almost there." He pointed at the window. Error, whose embarrassment died out a bit, promptly glanced at the outside and saw familiar buildings of their city.

"Right, thanks."

The next few minutes were quiet between the two. Their conversation only prosecuted once they were out of the bus and just about to part their ways to go home.

"Thanks that you decided to come with. I really appreciate that." Dream started, stretching his bones.

"Eh, I guess it wasn't so bad, so uh, your welcome?" Error tried to give him a reassuring smile, which made the other grin.

"Great, but now go home and I order you to go back to sleep. You still look tired."

"Pfff, sure, sure."

After exchanging their goodbyes they went into their own direction, their houses being nowhere near each other.

The last thing Error thought before falling asleep, this time in his house, was that next time he should take a pillow... Or perhaps, maybe he should "forget".

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