Actually Important

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I hate posting A/Ns, especially on their own, because people expect an actual chapter and then get this instead. B u t this is actually important. Here's what I wrote on my dash (or whatever it's called, I honestly don't know) today, but decided that I want more ppl to see it so here it is:

I have spent the last hour looking through a Wattpad book filled to the brim with stolen Errorink pictures and messaging the artists whenever I knew them. Unfortunately, since I don't purposefully look for Errorink images, most artists were unknown to me (and, you know, there was no credit in 80% of the cases, so I had to guess by knowing the art style). Hopefully, I'll be able to do something that actually helps. And a friendly fucking reminder: don't repost the art if the artist doesn't want to, and absolutely never repost without credit. N e v e r. You wouldn't want somebody to steal your shit and claim it as theirs, right? So you can be sure that the artists don't want it either. Now, do I like Errorink? No. Will I still help the people who make content for it? Yes, bc they put effort and someone is not acknowledging it. So yeah. Don't repost the art without permission. People literally leave fandoms bc of individuals that do.

[From now on it's all new text aka not from my dash] obviously it's not just about Errorink, but about every piece of art in any fandom, etc. Ask the artist if you can use their art as a profile picture, for a cover, or anything else. And don't give me the "I found the image on Google/Pinterest so idk who the artist is." Fortunately, there's an easy solution :D! Don't use that particular piece of art. Yes, it sucks, but it's better than stealing. I may not do art, but I'd be positively livid if I saw someone posting my fics without permission (which I wouldn't give btw). "But I said the art is not mine and the credit goes to the original artist"??¿ No, you clarified nothing, don't even try to use that one.

And despite all I said, my purpose is not to curse somebody out, but to teach. (But yeah, I'm pissed right now) If you're using a picture without an artist's permission and/or credit, go delete it or look for the artist and check out how they feel about their art being reposted. Believe me, it's not that hard to find a person who will happily tell you that you can use their art.

Sayonara. Piss.

Error's book of angst and fluff (finished)Where stories live. Discover now