Waiting for you [Error and Reaper]

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Error's eyes shot open and he fidgeted a little, looking around. Where was he again? Oh yeah, at the airport. The same place where he has been for the past 4 hours. He looked tiredly at the coffee he was holding and took a sip.

Today has been the day. Error was so excited he couldn't sleep at all last night. After all his boyfriend - Reaper - was coming today. He tried to wait patiently in their house and only arrive at the airport around thirty minutes before the airplane was planned to land, but he just couldn't wait and ended up coming waaayyy too soon.

He would never think that one day he would waste so much time for somebody, anybody. And yet there he was, drinking his third coffee form the too expensive airport shop. However, he was too tired to be able to survive without it, even if he normally wasn't a fan of this popular drink.

Error looked at the information board. Just one hour before the plane lands. Better than five at least. He knew he was being ridiculous being at the airport for so long, when he could have stayed at home much longer. And now it was cold, he was tired, he was shaking a bit from the caffeine and was overall in not-so-good shape. It was embarrassing, but he just couldn't help it. Reaper was abroad for 2 whole months and Error, despite trying not to show it while talking or texting with his boyfriend, really missed him. Like, really.

Could you blame him though? Ever since he and Reaper started being a couple they were almost always together. Even if Error acted annoyed with him often, he actually really loved him and liked that he was paying attention to him.

The glitching skeleton massaged his temples and started walking in some random direction looking for a seat. Finally he found one and sat tiredly on it leaning his elbows on his knees. Just...one...hour...

Error's eyes started closing, but he forced them open. As much as he wanted to sleep, he wanted to greet his boyfriend even more. And it would be a shame to doze off now, when he had been waiting for such a long time already. He just wanted to hug Reaper so much...and then hopefully fall asleep in his arms, especially since he will most likely be sleepy as well after his flight.

Error looked at the clock. There was still a lot of time, so he took out his phone and started looking through his gallery and then playing some mindless games, sipping his coffee from time to time.

It wasn't the most entertaining activity in the world, but enough to kill some time and keep a person awake.

A while has passed and Error decided to go closer to the place where his boyfriend will most likely show up. He redirected his gaze and saw that the plane should be now landing.

At the moment he felt a sudden adrenaline rush and excitement building up inside of him. In few minutes he couldn't help the smile that was forming on his face. All of these feeling made him feel a bit more alive.

Out of nowhere a bunch of people and monster showed up and Error stood on his tippy toes trying to find Reaper.

Finally most of the crown disappeared and the the end of it Error could see his boyfriend going with his luggage with a small smile.

Error's soul skipped a beat in happiness and without thinking he rushed towards the one he was missing so much.

"Reaper!!!" He didn't care what others might think about him now and just ran.

Reaper spotted him and his smile widened considerably as he put aside his baggage and opened his arms wide. Not even a second later he had a glitching skeleton in them.

"Error!" He spun his boyfriend around in happiness making Error cling closer to him and, surprisingly, laugh out loud.

After a while of that Error was put down and both skeletons put their arms tightly around each other still smiling like idiots.

"Error, I missed you so much!" Reaper pressed him tighter in the embrance, looking at him.

"I-I missed you too, you idiot." Error tried to put on his annoyed attitude, but absolutely failed and just stayed close to the other, not letting go.

They remained like this for a long while not wanting to let go of each other. Finally Reaper let go just a little still pretty much holding Error in his arms, who at that moment looked up at him. He quickly put his arms on his lover's cheeks and kissed him making the other blush along with him and returned the kiss.

Finally they let go and their arms fell to their sides, but the two were still smiling at each other.

"Error, you have no idea how much I was looking forward to finally seeing you again. I have so much to tell you about." Reaper exclaimed enthusiastically, even if he was a bit tired from the long flight.

"Heh, that's great, but I suppose we should head home first." Error felt his own tiredness coming back and at the moment he regretted he didn't have any coffee left to keep him up a little longer.

Reaper nodded agreeing, but at that second he noticed bags under Error's eyes and that his legs where slightly wobbling. Didn't he sleep well last night?

"Hey Error?" He asked as they started heading to the exit. "You look quite tired, even more than me I would say. And as far as I know you weren't flying for hours. Are you okay?"

Error glanced at him, deciding what to say. "I uh, I couldn't sleep last night, I...was too excited for your um, arrival. And I kinda sorta maybe came here five hourse too soon...?" He admitted embarrassed.

Reaper looked at him taken aback. After all, Error usually would act annoyed and stuff around him. "Are you serious? And five hours? Why so early?"

"..." Error looked down. "I just...well...I-I really missed you! Like, very much. It's been two whole months and I couldn't contain my excitement any longer. That's why I came here so early, even though I didn't sleep at all last night. I was tired yeah, so I bought like 3 coffees to keep myself awake. I'm just...really glad you're finally here."

Reaper stopped his movement, making Error do the same. He was very surprised, but also as happy as ever, since Error wasn't usually the person to show that he cares. He must have really missed him. He quickly scooped him in another hug, looking Error in the eyes.

"I really wasn't expecting that from you." He chuckled. "And as sweete as that was you really shouldn't have. I do appreciate that, but don't do that ever again. Well, I'm pretty sure that you won't have an occasion anymore. From now we will be together all the time."

Error looked up at him listening to all the words he was saying, as his face blushed slightly. "Yeah I...I hope so."

Reaper nodded and they came out of the airport as he took a deep breath of the fresh air.

"This day has surely been something, even if this is not even the middle of it. Anyway, as soon as we reach home I'm wrapping my arms around you and we're going to sleep. And I'm not letting you escape this time."

Error felt a hand wrapping around his own as he chuckled. "Don't worry, I'm not planning to."

Error's book of angst and fluff (finished)Where stories live. Discover now