A new method [Error, Dream and Blue]

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Error's lip was bit, his brow furrowed in focus required for his most important project yet. He needed it to be perfect. The most complicated part would have been adding a physical part of himself, had the doll not been made from his own magic. That one time he was glad that the void gifted him with such unique power. He has been working on that doll for weeks now. Contrary to what some seem to speculate, knitting takes time. Part of him still felt dread, but it was overtaken by the other fraction screaming with excitement. It would be the first time that he would put so much trust in his lovers, so-

"Hiya Error."

The skeleton in question jumped at the unexpected voice, instinctively hiding his project behind his back.

"Oh, hi Blue." He gave the intruder a soft look that at the same time demanded him to leave. He was nearly at the finish line! "Do you need something?"

"Not exactly..." Blue started, sitting down next to Error, but still a noticeable distance away. He eyed the arm which was hiding the item but didn't comment on it. Weeks before, his glitchy boyfriend has clearly stated that it was a surprise, not to be seen until it is finished. "Mweh, sorry for barging in like that, me and Dream are super worried about you though. You've been spending so much time knitting lately, barely leaving your room."

Error sighed and rolled his eyes. He knew that Blue didn't mean to, but he really came at the worst possible time. "No more than before." He chuckled, even though it was a bit forced. "Look, I swear that I'll stop soon, but what I'm working on is especially important."

"We miss you though." The other gave him a soft smile, though still a slightly impatient one. Error didn't blame him. "Since you're finishing, can I at least know what it's important for? You kinda make it sound like it's going to save the multiverse from every bad thing." Blue's smile grew to a more sincere and amused one. He doubted it was that, but the destroyer surely made it sound like it. The answer he got, however, wasn't the one he was expecting.

"It's important for our relationship." Blue was oozing with curiosity but didn't ask any more questions.

One thing was for sure, that encounter with one of his lovers filled Error with determination and he was able to finish his work that day, even if it was late in the evening. Still, he hoped that his two boyfriends were still awake, there was no way that he could wait till the morning. He grabbed the new-made doll and searched for the two skeletons. It didn't take long, they were in the living room cuddling, their eyes glued to the screen. Both looked bored beyond their minds, but their expression quickly changed upon hearing Error cough.

"Error!" Dream smiled at him warmly. He tilted his head in curiosity, sensing clashing emotions from him. "Do you need anything?"

"Actually yeah... kind of?"

Dream and Blue looked at each other, the latter pretty sure he knew what it was about. He grabbed the remote and turned off the TV, now leaving a small table lamp as the only source of light.

"Is it about that something you were knitting?" Blue perked up. "Did you finish it?"

"Yeah, I did."

Dream simply sat up properly, beaming as well. He also knew about that surprise topic, but he wasn't aware that it would be finalized that day. "Well then, can we see it?"

Error just nodded and without another word showed the thing, which turned out to be... another Error puppet? It's not that Dream or Blue weren't impressed with their boyfriend's talent, but they doubted that's what he's been trying to hide from them all this time.

"Oh! Um, it's very... nice?" The Underswap Sans started, clearly looking for the right words.

Error wasn't having any of it though, he didn't come there to fish for empty compliments. Instead, he just sat on the floor in front of the two and took a deep, shaky breath.

Error's book of angst and fluff (finished)Where stories live. Discover now