Stupid but lovable [Error and Fresh]

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Thought of the day: Y'know for Errorfresh being one of my three OTPs I really don't write a lot for them, so here you go. And also if someone tells me that they are brothers, which as we all know is not true, I am armed with a screen shot of CQ saying that they are not and I will not hesitate to slip into DMs and show them that. (Or if u genuinely didn't know that they aren't brothers and want to see a proof).


"C'mon, try'em on!"

"Fresh no. These are hideous."

Error grumbled as he remebered a conversation from around four days ago, when he was visiting his boyfriend at his house. For whatever reason, out of nowhere Fresh suggested that he should wear something more bright than 'those unrad, depresso colors' and tried to persuade him to at least try on some of his clothes since, according to him, they were 'giving out happy vibes', whatever that means.

Of course Error refused, claiming that only Fresh was able to wear something this bad. To be honest he didn't think that they were actually ugly, plus Fresh somehow managed to make them look good anyway, but the colors were just vile. At least in his opinion. His eyes have already almost burned out from the amount of neon colors in his boyfriend's house, he didn't need to look like a walking neon as well.

Although, now that he was alone and didn't have to put on his tsundere-like attitude, he started to wonder more open-mindedly. While he didn't care that much about clothes, seen in his own style, which contained mostly of a bit oversized and dark clothes, he had to admit that he got a bit curious.

"Literally all you do in them is look like a big, walking party." Which he thought that Fresh was anyway, but he still couldn't understand the appeal.

"Fuck it." He said to himself as he stood up and opened a glitchy portal to his boyfriend's house, or to be more specific, his room. As always the colors hit him with their brightness, but as much as he hated to admit it, he was getting used to them. Having made sure that nobody was in the room, he quickly walked to the closet, grabbed a set of Fresh's clothes and immediately retreated to the Anti-void.

After looking back and checking whether he closed the portal, he eyed the clothes, which were now sprawled on the ground. Error grumbled to himself, but his curiosity still won and so he started changing into the colorful outfit. Kind of ironic considering that a few days ago he absolutely refused to ever do that, but now was doing it willingly.

After he finished he stepped closer to the mirror, which wasn't the only random thing that was laying around that he normally didn't use. But today it turned out to be helpful.

He eyed his reflection as he hummed. The clothes were too big on him, the sleeves going past his skeletal hands, plus he had to watch out not to stumble, but actually they weren't that bad. The colors were a nice contrast against the white of the Anti-void and his own black bones.

"I look like a knock-off of Fresh." He said to himself amused, as he turned around to look at his back. Given that they both were some version of Sans, it was actually kind of true, minus the height and black, glitchy bones. Speaking of impersonation...

"Yo, uhh, broski, howzzit goin'?" Error tried his best to make his words sound like something that Fresh would say. Lingo wasn't exactly his expertise, but having spent so much time with the colorful skeleton, he started understanding the weird phrases. He also started to find it weirdly charming...

"I hafta skeddadle now. Umm, what'cha up to?" Just as he was about to come up with another sentence, he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist, startling him immensely.

"Yeah brofriendo, what'cha up to?" It was none other than Fresh, who was now grinning, standing behind the glitch.

"I... urg, nothing."

Shit, why did he give Fresh the access to the Anti-void again? Oh right, because no matter how much he tried to deny that in front of the other, he loved him. Still, he didn't think that Fresh would realize that some of his clothes were missing so quickly, especially since he was planning on giving them back once he tried them on...probably.

"Aww, I told ya you would come around, but if ya wanted to borrow something from my crib you coulda just asked." Fresh added, while still holding him and refusing to let him go. "We almost look like twinsies!"

"Ughh, what do you want Fresh?" Error growled and struggled in the hold, while simultaneously not wanting him to let go.

"Just checking on my lil' thief. Once I saw mah clothes were gone, I knew that it had to be my radical brofriend."

"..." It was blindly obvious what he was doing, but he didn't want to admit it. However there was no possibility to try to deny it now too, so Error just stayed silent. "I was going to return them... later."

Knowing that in his embarrassed state Error wasn't going to say much, Fresh nuzzled his neck and decided to speak himself. "You can take'em for a while if ya want to. You look good in 'em, like I said." Despite no-one else being in the Anti-void, that last sentence was whispered into Error's non-existent ear.

Stupid lovable parasite.



Slowly but surely, Error turned to face Fresh and hugged him.

"I love you." He murmured quietly, but loud enough for the parasite to hear. If he wasn't suprised before, than now he definitely was. It was the first time that Error said these three words to him, maybe besides when he said them ironically. They were quiet, hesistant and perhaps a bit shy, but he was thrilled to hear them.

"Aww, I love you too, brotato-chip."

"Stop calling me that, it sounds stupid." The glitch grouched, but even he didn't believe these words and judging from Fresh's chuckle, he didn't either.

They stayed in the embrance for a while, but it wasn't exactly Fresh's style to stay still for too long, so after a minute he exclaimed, "I have an idea!"

Error just hmm'ed at him, not wanting to move from their position.

"Let's go to my place and find you some more clothes!"


"You're still lacking my radical glasses 'n' cap after all."

"Wait no!" But Fresh was already dragging him by his hand.

"C'mon E, I might even let you borrow s'more stuff." And that shut Error up.

As he was saying, stupid, stupid, lovable parasite.

Error's book of angst and fluff (finished)Where stories live. Discover now