Helpless love [Error and Ink]

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Out of the every possible to happen things Error definitely wasn't expecting that. In the span of 1 day his life has changed completely.

Almost 2 months ago now Ink proposed a truce, which he was hesistant to accept, mainly due to the fact that he didn't believe that Ink would actually commit to it. At the end of the day Error decided to give it a shot and to his surprise it actually worked.
From that day Ink hasn't created one single universe.

And Error couldn't contain his happiness. He was just so relieved. Finally, after so many years he was free. He didn't have to cause harm and continue killing innocent monsters. When it all hit him he just sat in the anti-void and cried for a good hour. After that he went to his first truly undisturbed sleep in a very, very long time.

Overall he was delighted, but as much as he was he also started feeling...bored. Sure, he was glad that he didn't have to destroy anymore, however that was when Error realised that taking care of the AUs had been pretty much his only activity. If he hadn't been doing that he usually tried to rest, if only just a little, or listened to the voices. It's not like he wanted to, but there was no way to avoid them in his "home".

Apparently Ink felt the same. So one day he just came into the anti-void scaring the living daylights out of Error who certainly wasn't expecting him to visit. Besides, his reflexes were still present and as soon as he saw the creator he expected a fight.

After that he just annoyrd Error to become friends. Of course, Error didn't buy it, not to say that he did not trust him at all.

Some time later Ink left and Error realised how lonely he was again. Now it was just so empty. That usually didn't bother him, but after having Ink's company for a while it didn't feel right.

So the next day he actually started talking with his ex-enemy. Sure, he didn't trust him at all, but it seemed like he really stopped creating for good.

At first they mostly talked about pointless things, trying to warm up to each other. But as the time has passed both of them opened up more and more. They spent so much time together that they eventually
became best friends.

"The destroyer and the creator, the complete opposites becoming friends," thought Error, "That's absolutely ridiculous."

But as ridiculous as that might have been it has happend. And honestly? Error was pleased. He finally had someone to spend time with and talk, someone who wasn't trying to kill him.

One day though, when he was laying and thinking, at the thought of Ink he suddenly felt so...light and happy. His soul started beating faster, and he could feel his cheeks burning.

"Is it something that always happens with friends? No wait, no! We have been friends for a while, but only now I'm feeling that way."

Some more time passed and Error came to a horrifying conclusion.

He undoubtedly had a crush on Ink. No, not only a crush, he was utterly lovestruck.

In the shortest amount of time Ink was the only person he could thing about. He would lay for hours doing only that. He thought about his eyes, his looks, his personality, his clothes, his voice, his talent and pretty much everything else. They were absolutely perfect. He was absolutely perfect.

He started feeling giddy when he knew that Ink would visit soon, or when he was already there and they were talking. He couldn't stop smiling when he was around or jolt upright in place when he saw him. No matter how much the ex-destroyer tried to hide it, he just couldn't.

Also, his haphephopia seemed to just...disappear around him. No, he did not touch him, he couldn't bring himself to, but he imagined it a lot. The thought of being close to Ink was wonderful. Error just wanted to hug him so much. To be held, cuddled and be affectionly stroke by him.

Error's book of angst and fluff (finished)Where stories live. Discover now