Cold [Error and Nightmare's gang]

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It was cold.

Error was cold again, although it seemed like he had always been, so more appropriate thing to say would be that he was still cold. His jacket wasn't really doing a good job at protecting him from the low temperature, his blue scarf being the only source of warmth.

The surface was a weird place.

It was the begining of the winter which was bad, but at least it was a little warmer than the Anti-void. Some snowflakes were fluttering in the air, but it wasn't really snowing.

Both people and monters were gathered together in smaller or biggers groups. They were laughing, talking or simply standing. Even if they weren't thinking about this, the warmth was being shared between them.

Error quickened his pace and briefly wondered if he would ever be able to have what they have. Perhaps he hopes too much.

A road could be seen in the distance. It was half filled with fast going cars and other vehicles. Their blurred lights looked beautiful, combined with the illumination of the city.

It was not the center of the town, so there weren't that many people, but the area was still bustling with life and energy. However the noise made by them wasn't nearly as loud as what could be heard from afar. Different kinds of Christmas attractions were there too, for those who didn't want to be surrounded by the crowd. Some family was buying candies, a pair which appeared to be a couple takes a picture under the Christmas tree and three friend were talking with each other, while drinking hot cocoa.

And Error was tired. He wanted nothing more than to find a comfortable place to sleep, or at least any place where he wouldn't be attacked.

Today was just another day. His drilling headache didn't matter, even if he was sure that he will pass out soon. The snow was soft and welcoming anyway.

He felt glances on himself, but he couldn't care less. Nothing new. He looked weird and he probably acted weird too. For a moment he was sure that they couldn't possibly be looking at him. It was a strange thought that he existed. He often asks himself if he really does. What a stupid question, of course he exists.


It was cold and Error could see his breath. Knowing that even during summer he will be frigid, is irritating.

He passed many shops and restaurants, admiring the effort people put into running them. Didn't like them, but was fascinated. They don't do it for themselves though. They do it to be able to come back home to their families and live a somewhat good life.

He also liked the views. The lights of the city looked nice during the night. The neon banners were a little annoying, but also pretty. However the most admirable thing was the fountain. The water going up and then falling down in different shapes and colours is beautiful and attracts everyone, even if they had probably seen it before. Today the mood created is a little more festal, with a hint of nostalgia.

Error's eyes were half-closed, his steps uneven and shaky. He knew he was shivering and it felt like even his sense of time and space was gone. Where was he going or where he was, was unknown to him.

He really wished he could sleep, but that's impossible. Too many thoughts, too much mess in his head and too many universes to destroy, even if he couldn't recall why he started demolishing them in the first place. Now it was too late to stop, it had become a part of his routine.

He sighed and as soon as he turned right to a little less crowded area of the city, he sees Nightmare's gang. They were there either to cause chaos, or to enjoy themselves. Error desperately hoped it was the second option, he wasn't feeling well enough to open a portal.

After a while it became clear that the skeletons were not there planning to destroy the place and Error was grateful.

He saw them running around. He saw Nightmare sometimes definitely playfully scolding his boys. Horror pointed at something and Nightmare nodded. Some of them gave a cheerful scream and rushed to the stall.

Meanwhile Dust stayed with their "boss", but Error heard him calling him "dad". He couldn't catch anything else, his mind was too hazy. But he managed to register Nightmare hugging his "son" with a big smile plastered on his face, Dust seemed happy too and they stayed like that until the rest came back, with something in their hands and Cross exclaimed "Chocolate!". Nightmare wrapped all of his tentacles around the others and they slowly went in the opposite direction.

He wanted... just a little.

Error wondered what would happen if he collapsed right in front of them. Would they care? Would anyone? Would they take him to the hideout and take care of him?

He dreams too big.

His eyes are almost closed and they refuse to open fully. Is life always going to be that way?

After a minute or so he heard Killer loudly trying to catch his scarf, which must have been stolen be the wind. They all tried to reach for it, but with no result.

Without thinking Error took off and teleported his own scarf in front of the group, using the rest of his strength. Killer quickly snatches it looking around to see if it was somebody's. But nobody was looking for it, so he wrapped it around his neck and they all went away once again.

Error watched them dissapear in the distance. He couldn't help but wonder if the gang would ever bring it back to him, despite the fact that they didn't even know it was his in the first place. Would they throw it to him through the portal to the Anti-void, would they leave it somewhere with a note "To Error" or wrap it in a box like a Christmas gift?

Error looked down at his feet covered in snow. He has been standing still for too long. He should go, there's nothing here waiting for him.

His soul was beating slowly and his mind was almost empty, as he turned around.

And he was cold.

So, so cold.


Error's book of angst and fluff (finished)Where stories live. Discover now