One and only

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It has been an ordinary day for Error, and of course such day couldn't possibly skip his fight with Ink. It was the same old pattern: destroying, Ink arriving, Ink trying to sway him onto the good side and then a battle. However for a few days now Error felt rather distracted during those and he knew what the reason was. Today he wasn't outside to destroy, oh no that was just a bait. He was there to snatch his beloved, so they can live happily ever after. He just needed an opening...

"HIIII-YAAA!" Ink took a swing ready to attack, moving his oversized paintbrush above his head.


Error's blue string shot form under his eyes, quickly wrapping around his one true love.

"Wait, no! Stop!" Ink's voice rang in panic and confusion.

Error didn't pay attention to the artist's yells. His facial expression quickly changed into a smile, as the one he pulled landed in his arms. He let the other out of his strings and gave him a lovestruck look.

"I've finally got you... Broomie."

Ink's jaw dropped seeing Error immediately jump to the Anti-void with his paint brush, not caring about the half-destroyed world.

"...Great, how am I supposed to get out of here now?"

"Look, I'm so sorry about that whole kidnapping Broomie, but... I had to. That awful squid wasn't treating you right." Error spoke shuffling around the Anti-void, avoiding Broomie's gaze. "Besides, I really, really need to tell you something." He took a deep breath. "I-I have a crush on you, and-and I was wondering if, you know..."

After a few more seconds of staring at the ground, Error finally dared to shift his gaze to look at the laying brush. Destroyer's checks flooded with color once he heard the answer.

"Really?! Oh Broomie, I'm so happy!" Error screamed in happiness, jumping around like a little kid.

Eventually he landed on Broomie and hugged him tightly. They rolled a few times from the impact and once they stopped Broomie landed on top, making the other turn his head bashfully and giggling in delight. Eventually Broomie returned to laying next to him, with Error still squeezing him tightly.

"I'm so happy to have someone so tall, dark and handsome with me here." Error glitched in delight. "I know that we don't have much here, but for you I can get us a few more things."

Error smiled while his beloved announced that he would like that, and nodded his head eagerly.

"Ok, ok! I just can't believe how lucky I am. I'm not even afraid to touch you, it's really like we have been made for each other. I'm just sad that you had to be with Ink for so long. He doesn't appreciate your beauty like I do."

Broomie couldn't agree more and he pressed closer to Error to whisper something to him. His bristles touched his boyfriend's skull, making him lean into them. His words made Error blush.

"Wh-, I'm not cute! Nope. Nah-ah."


"Not true!"

But Broomie wasn't planning to stop any time soon, so eventually Error gave up.

"Ok, ok, you win. Maybe I am cute." He rolled his eyes playfully. "But you're the only one who can say that, okay?"

Broomie just nodded his head, not hesitating to compliment the other some more.

The rest of the day was spent relatively peaceful. The two lovers decided to pass the time by learning more about each other. After all, they mainly knew one another from the battlefield. Speaking of which, Error felt terrible that he had hurt Broomie so many times, but the brush assured him that he has already forgiven him.

Error showed off some of his puppets and knitting projects and Broomie in exchange taught him some of Ink's weaknesses. That however brought another thing to the surface. It seemed that Broomie was a tad afraid that Error only claimed to love him to gain information about Ink. Error gasped hearing that. Those were never his intentions after all!

"No Broomie, no! I would love you whether you told me that or not, I swear."

Broomie stared at the other expectedly, but found no trace of a lie. He just needed a bit of a proof. Just to be sure.

Error blushed hearing his offer. "Y-you want to kiss? Wow, it's all going so fast... but sure!"

Broomie smiled hearing this and brought Error closer to himself. He looked nervous, yet excited. They both started getting closer and closer and ultimately, kissed passionately. Broomie felt pure love in Error's kiss, how could he have ever doubted him?

Once they parted they knew, even without exchanging any words, that their love for each other for sealed.


I will not elaborate and I won't explain anything.

Error's book of angst and fluff (finished)Where stories live. Discover now