In their free time [Error and Shattered!Dream]

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Error giggled and leaned closer to the touch. Currently he and Dream were sitting together on a couch. The latter was reading a book, with his tentacles twitching slightly behind him, until Error eventually got bored and started playing with them.

It was a somewhat peaceful day, so the two could relax. Dream decided to use the time to catch up with literature, while Error resolved for just enjoying his company by his side.

However apparently this wasn't enough, so he got closer and started petting his boyfriend's tentacles. Dream felt that and smirked slightly, letting him do it. After a while Error nuzzled and rubbed his cheek against them. He moved forward and his head leaned againt their bases which acted like some kind of pillow. Shortly after, he felt them wrapping him tightly in a hug, with his face still on the their owner's back. He sighed softly and smiled. His hands freed themselves from the firm grip and started stroking the tentacles.

Error hasn't been able to enjoy a calm day like this for a moment. He was really grateful that Dream hasn't planned any date for today. As much as he loves them, he really just wanted to stay home for now.

While he was relaxing in the embrance, with his hands gradually stopping, he felt something else. The tendrils started petting him instead. One of them rubbing his skull, one also on his back and even on his sides. He giggled a little and melted completely into the touch, purring quietly.

Dream smiled at that, looked up from his book and turned to look at Error. Sure, he was happy to be able to read without any disturbances, but he was even happier to see his boyfriend relaxed. They didn't spend much time together like that and this was definitely a mistake. Besides, he liked when Error touched him like that - without fear.

He came back to his stopped action and let his lover do whatever he pleased. 

Error however was feeling particularly playful today, once again probably due to all the free time. He shifted in the hug and wrapped his arms around Dream's ribcage, nuzzling his shoulder blade.

"I love youuu." He whined, burying his face in his back.

"I love you too Error." Dream stated, emotions actually evident in his voice, but he was now totally engrossed in the story.

Error huffed seeing that he didn't pay that much atretntion to him and laid his head on the taller skeleton's shoulder, with the tentacles still around him, but letting him move.

"What are you reading?"

"Some crime story."

"What is it about?"


"Do you like it?"


Error had an annoyed expression on his face, but it soon changed into a smile. He reluctantly wiggled out of the embrance and laid his head in Dream's lap. That resulted in him looking down at his lover, raising a brow and smiling at him, a bit confused.

"Pay attention to me, pleeeease?" Error lamented, but he smiled as well.

"Pfff." Dream could tell that Error was acting kind of out of character, not like it was anything bad and couldn't help, but to chuckle a little at that.

He put his arm behind the destroyer's back, while the other one was resting on the back of his skull, brought him closer and kissed him on the mouth, making Error blush and kiss back.

"Was that better?" He looked Error in the eyes and booped his nose.

Error giggled and nodded.

"Much better." Honestly he felt like he was acting really stupid and childish, but he was too happy to care much.

Dream smiled at and also kissed his cheeks, his forehead and his nose.

Error was enjoying every and each one of them and after, shifted himself to a more comfortable position, since now he was sitting in his boyfriend's lap. In the new position he had his legs wrapped around Dream's midsection and his arms around his neck. His head was resting on his shoulder.

"Comfy?" Dream asked, picking up his book back.

"Mhhhmmm." Error answered, when he once again felt the tentacles wrapping around him and rubbing his body in few places in a pleasant way.

Dream smiled and leaned further into the couch, now half-way laying down with Error on him. He returned to reading, fast involved in the story's plot, while the other skeleton tilted his head to the side, laying comfortably.

They stayed like that for almost an entire day and then went early to bed to get some much needed sleep.

Error's book of angst and fluff (finished)Where stories live. Discover now