Like the usual [Error and Ink]

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Ink was sitting on a couch, blanket wrapped around him. Despite the comfortable position he was in, he was worried. Few hours ago Error went out to meet with his friends and said that he would be back at around 17:00, but it was already 18:00 and he wasn't there.

The worst thing was the fact, that there was a blizzard outside. It started around an hour and a half ago and it didn't seem possible that it will end soon. It was winter, so the snow wasn't surprising, but with what was happening it would be horrible to be outside at a time like this.

Normally at this time Ink would be rather content and snuggling with Error under the blankets probably watching some movie. But he was not there. Even worse, when it started snowing Error had most probably already parted with his friends and was coming back home. He was going on foot since they didn't own a car.

Ink picked up his phone and tried to call Error just as he did multiple times during the past hour. And once again he didn't answer. This definitely wasn't a good sign. If his boyfriend was with someone in their house he would pick up for sure. Of course, the artist would much rather have his bean with himself, but mostly he wanted him to be safe.

He must be outside going home in this horrible weather. Ink grew even more concerned when he realised that Error might have got lost, or was sitting somewhere freezing, or maybe he has already froz-!

His train of thoughts got interrupted when he heard their front door opening, with Error practically lunging through them and closing them as fast as possible due to the heavy wind, andch was getting into the house.

"Error!" Ink jumped off the couch towards the other and felt relief going through him.

Error was breathing fast signaling that he must have run or something a while ago. He weakly nodded as a greeting, not being able to do much now and leaned on the door.

"Error what happened? Why did it take you so long to come back? There's a literal blizzard outside, are you okay?" The artist knew thay he probably shouldn't overwhelm him, but he was dead worried just a while ago and wanted to make sure he was fine.

But one glance at his lover and he knew he wasn't fine. The looked physically tired. No wonder since he probably walked all the way in the snow. Not waiting for the answer Ink brought the shorter skeleton into a hug. He felt Error resting his head on his chest and hugging him back. While touching him Ink realised how cold he must be, especially when he felt his jacket which Error still didn't take off.

The black monster caught a breath, snuggled closer and said. "It's nothing, really, it just...I was hanging out with Nightmare and Killer and when it was kinda close to 17 we decided to say our goodbyes. I started walking towards our house, but suddenly it started snowing really hard. Soon it was so bad I was barely able to see anything, so I started running, but after a while the surroundings looked unfamiliar and, and! I thought that I was lost!" He shivered a little. "The temperature was really low and I didn't know what to do! I just stood for a moment where I was and started running in a random direction. Eventually I saw some more familiar buildings and somehow made my way home...sorry for being so late..."

Ink frowned and brought Error as close as possible. He could clearly feel him shiver now.

"So he did get lost." He thought.

"It alright, it's not your fault, I'm glad you made it. But why didn't you answer your phone? I called like 20 times. I was really worried."

"You did? I'm sorry, I didn't hear it, probably due to the wind..."

"It's alright, I just wanted to know if you're safe." Ink sighed and put his head on Error's, but soon realised that he was still wearing the cold clothes and overall probably feezing.

"Wait! Right now you should take off your jacket." He let go of the other and Error was hit with a wave of coldness, resulting in him undressing the unnecessary pieces of clothing.

However as soon as he did that, he started shivering again, fortunately a little less than before. The house was way warmer than the outside. Unfortunately wandering outside for so long had its effect on him.

"I can't...feel my toes."

Ink heard that and quickly snatched him in his arms, making Error squeak in surprise. He brought him to the couch as fast as possible and laid down with his head on the pillow. Meanwhile his hands wrapped tightly around the shorter and forced him to lay on his chest. Finally, he grabbed the blanket and wrapped it thoroughly around them both, hoping to provide Error with as much warmness as possible.

Error smiled when he felt Ink's arms around himself along with a warm blanket. He cuddled closer to his chest and sighed contently. He was now so comfortable and warm, he doubted he would leave anytime soon.

"Better?" Ink asked in a soothing tone and started rubbing his back in order to comfort him, produce more heat, and because he knew for a fact that the other liked it.

"Mhmmm yesss...thanks Ink." Error immediately leaned into the touch and started making small noises of pleasure. It was hard to believe, that less than 15 minutes ago he was still outside trying to run away from the cold weather. Now the blizzard outside was rather pleasant to hear.

The white skeleton chuckled at his boyfriend's behaviour and started rubbing a little faster. As a reaction Error practically melted under his touch and blushed a little.

Ink chuckled again and couldn't stop himself from saying. "Error, you are so adorable."

Error growled quietly in embarrassment, but didn't have enough energy to argue right now, so he just buried his face in Ink's sweater.

The taller monster laughed at that, but decided to give in for now and just cuddled him close, his hands still working on his back.

In the end it was almost like a normal winter evening for them. The couch, the blanket, they both snuggling and enjoying each other's company. Yeah, it was just like the usual. Minus the part when Error got lost.

Error's book of angst and fluff (finished)Where stories live. Discover now