Just your cliche sick day [Error and Nightmare's gang]

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Error's eyes slowly opened from his deep slumber. The first thing he saw was the dark-colored wall of his room. However, something utterly different grabbed his attention. He was...shivering. Why though? He has never felt this cold since he moved to Nightmare's castle.

He was uncomfortable too. Not on the bed, in his body, like something was wrong with it. He slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes, but suddenly tiredness overtook him and he fell on the pillow. At that moment Error realized the reason of his discomfort. His body was unnaturally heated.

That's when it hit him. He was sick. Undoubtedly sick. He felt like this before, when he was on his own and he knew it would pass eventually. That's what he did in the past, just waited it out. Thought he had to admit that laying on a comfortable bed was much better than on a white, hard floor.

A while later a knock on the door was heard and Nightmare came in. Error wasn't surprised, since he did that every day to wake up his boys.

Yup, Nightmare had been the dad of the group even before Error started living here. From Killer he knew that at first they all treated it as a joke, but eventually got so used to it that they all accepted that and from that moment on Nightmare started calling them as his sons as well. Well, he actually did that before sometimes by accident.

In a nutshell, when Nightmare convinced him that he loves him like a son too, Error also came to terms with it. It was actually a really comforting relationship.

"Error, wake up-." Nightmare stepped in and said, but stopped when he saw that Error's eyes were already open. "Oh, you're already awake. How was you're sleep? No nighmaters, night terrors or anything?" He came closer and looked softly at the other.

"Hi Night and no, it was quite alright." The glitching skeleton answered with a smile. It was good to know that someone cared.

"That's great." Nightmare pat his head. "Breakfast will be ready in...Error, are you shivering?" He was looking carefully over his son, who did indeed tremble.

"Oh." Error winced nervously. He didn't want to show that. He came through it before without anybody's help and he didn't want his friends to waste their time on him, so he bit his teeth and tried his best not to shiver. "No I'm not, why?"

Nightmare eyed him suspiciously as he put his hand on the other's forehead.

"Error, you're sick. You're forehead is burning." He stated worriedly.

"Okay yeah, l am. But it's nothing I can't handle, I had it before and I just waited it out." Error said trying to sound convincingly.

"Error." Nightmare gently took his hand. "I know that you had to do things the hard way when you were in the anti-void, but now it's different and we will take care of you. Waiting is definitely not the best way to deal with a fever."

"But-! I really can manage it on my own." Error tried to argue as he felt himself becoming more sick.

"I know, but I really want to help you, we all do." The goopy skeleton assured him, as he felt his hand shaking. "You are my son and I love you just as much as Dust or Cross, ok?"

There was a minute of silence, when the glitching skeleton considered his options, shivering.

"Fine if you're- if you're really sure." He finally spoke and added "...And I love you too."

Nightmare smiled widely hearing that and let go of Error's hand. "Good, now lay down and try to relax, someone will come to you in a while."

The sick monster nodded tiredly and watched as the goopy skeleton left his room. He really didn't want others to waste their time on him, but couldn't help being happy that someone was willing to do it anyway.

Error's book of angst and fluff (finished)Where stories live. Discover now