"You've never been in Ikea before?" [Error and Killer]

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I don't even know.

If I were to choose the genre for this one shot it would be: shitpost which takes itself seriously, but not exactly.


"So you really have never been in Ikea before?"


"Damn, where have you been?"

"Destroying other worlds, I guess."

Killer and Error slowly walked through the parking, with the latter questioning what the actual hell they were doing.

The day before Nightmare announced that in the nearest time they aren't going to do anything special, so they can relax, hangout with each other, visit other AUs, basically do whatever they want. So how did Error end up here? It was because after that announcement, Killer bounced closer and invited him to hang out with him in their free time. He accepted, it's not that he had any reasons not to, and why not? While they were hanging out he could still maybe watch Undernovela or knit or something, but no. Killer said that he wanted to take him to Ikea. At first he had no idea what that meant, but his friend explained that it was basically a store with furniture.

"Okkk? But what's so special about it? I mean it's just a store right? And we don't need anything right now." Error asked completely clueless.

"It's just like, how do I explain that. It's just special okay?" Killer exclaimed as he gestured widely. "And there's nothing better than to get lost in there. It's almost like a tradition to go there from time to time." He explained as best as he could.

Error still didn't exactly get it, but he could try, especially if it was some kind of weird tradition. And so the next day he and Killer left the mansion to some AU, where monsters were living on the surface with humans, mostly in peace.

They finally made it to the entrance and went inside.

"Holy shit." Error murmured in awe. This store was definitely bigger than any other he was in, not that he was in many mind you, but this only added to his surprise. And there was so many different furniture and all kinds of different things too. He already felt lost, even if they barely made it inside.

"I know, right? Let's go." Killer prompted the other to walk, but stopped right after. "Wait! I can't forget the most important thing." He ran off for a second, only to come back with a shopping cart.

"A cart? Really?" Error asked, amused.

"Duh, it's half the fun. Hop on!"

Error gave him a "you can't be serious" look, but when Killer didn't stop grinning at him, he realized that his friend was being serious.

"Pfft, if you say so." He teleported into the cart and made himself as comfortable as possible, ignoring the looks of some people. With that Killer pushed the cart, entering the proper area of the store.

For a while they were just walking, or in Error's case riding around, with Killer throwing some puns here and there.

"You see that bed? I do, but I don't care, because nothing really mattress."

"This looks expensive, but I couldn't chair less about the price."

"The furniture store keeps calling me back, but all I wanted was that one nightstand."

Error couldn't help but snort at some of them, he was a Sans after all.

"These are sooo bad." He said, trying to remain serious.

"You're smiling though." Killer said, smiling.

"Yeah, it's a pity smile-." Before Error could properly finish, he saw something that attracted his attention and he jumped out of the cart.

Error's book of angst and fluff (finished)Where stories live. Discover now