A horror movie [Error and Horror]

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Btw, if you enjoy my writing and would like me to write something for you, you can check out my sanscest oneshots book, just saying 👁️👁️.


"Hey, Error."

Error slightly jumped on the bed, where he had been watching Undernovela, looking for the owner of the voice. He spotted Horror standing in the doors. He didn't even hear him coming in.

"Geez, next time make some more noise, I got scared. Anyways, what's up?" Error frowned playfully closing the portal and paying his full attention to the other.

Horror cackled a little and rolled his eyes. "Well, there's this new horror movie and I was wondering if you would like to watch it with me."

"Only the two of us?" Error tilted his head.

"Apparently, Nightmare and Killer are in some AU spreading negativity and Dust along with Cross are in his room. They said that they're doing something important so I left them alone. However, the thing is that I'm really hyped for this one and would really like to watch it today. So, what do you say?"

The black skeleton wondered for a while and answered. "Sure, why not."

Horror perked up and put his arms on Error's shoulders teleporting them both to the living room.

Error spotted some snacks on the table like popcorn or chips and also a big blanket on the couch. He smiled at that knowing that he and Horror will snuggle tonight under it. He was sure it would happened. Everytime he and the others were watching a scary movie they told that they won't be scare of it. Needless to say they always failed and clinged to each other out of fear. Maybe except for Nightmare, who sometimes was able to not show his fear. Only sometimes though.

They both sat on the couch and Error observed his friend, who was looking for the movie on the laptop in order to display on their TV. Speaking of which...

"What is this movie even about? I remeber you saying something about it, but I can't remeber exactly what."

Horror looked up from the screen. "There you have." He pointed to the description shown on some site.

The glitching skeleton read through it. "Hmm..."

"Yeah, I know it looks kind of basic, but believe me, I have seen the trailers and it will be scary." Horror was quick to defend the movie. The plot was not original, a family inherited a house, decided to move in despite it's creepy looks and discovered that it's haunted. But it all would change into a good horror. At least that's what the trailers said.

"Well okay, I believe you. We will see it for ourselves anyway."

Horror nodded and finally turned on the movie on the TV. He and Error sat kind of close to each other trying to get engrossed in the plot.

As the movie went on they ate a lot of snacks and it was getting darker in the room, the night beginning outside. They both went under the blanket seeking its warmness and comfort. And it was good for covering their eyes when something scary was happening, which happened a lot on the screen right now.

Both of them were trying their hardest not to scream, but then a jumpscare came and they screamed covering their eyes and getting closer to each other. A few scenes like that and their sides were touching, no space left between them.

"H-hey, its not that bad. It's scary but that's what horrors are supposed to be, right? It's not like it's real-" Horror tried to reassure himself along with Error, but as he was speaking another scary scene occurred and they both screamed practically jumping into each other's arms.

"Yeah, it's scary, like really scary" Error commented clinging to his friend and shivering a little.

Some time has passed with mostly scary scenes on the screen and both skeletons now watched with wide-opened eyes, partially covered by the blanket, clinging to each other desperately.

Fortunately it seemed like the movie has calmed down for a while, so Error and Horror sighed with relief. And it seemed like the end was near so they relaxed almost completely. They let go of the other and watched.

What looked like a final scene was playing and both skeletons were almost uninterested in it after such adrenaline rush. But just when they were most vulnerable the final jumpscare occured and in the moment of panic Horror screamed and hid under a blanket laying down and Error soon followed the suit and landed on top of Horror. Both of them wrapped arms around each other in their terror. They looked at each other with wide eyes, but in that moment they, even from under the blanket, saw that the room went completely black indicating that the movie has ended and turned off.

"Funny that the ones who are considered evil and bad, are afraid of such movies. I bet nobody ever though about it." Error chuckled nervously trying to distract himself.

Horror just nodded, his eyes frantically looking around under the blanket. Now every noise sounded suspicious.

"So...now what? We should probably head to the bed, it's late." The skeleton with the hole in his skull asked, bringing his friend closer.

Error hid his face in his chest and just nodded slightly, not making a move to get out of the couch.

They both laid like that for quite a while. If anybody outside the mansion saw them like that, they would probably die out of embarrassment. Fortunely that wasn't the case.

"Okay, I-I think we sould go..." Horror said hesitantly.


The two of them stood up looking around at the almost complete darkness. Error felt a hand grabbing his own and he yelped a little in fear, until he realised that's just his friend.

"Come on, we have to go upstairs." Horror said and started taking shaky steps with the other following him.

Error gripped his hand tighter, trying not to recall the movie and they soon arrived in front of their rooms. They stood in place for a while not letting go of each other, knowing damn well that as soon as either of them will be on their own, they won't fall asleep that night.

"Do you want to sleep together tonight?" Horror finally broke the silence.

Error didn't have to think too long about it. All of the skeletons in the mansion slept in one bed quite often. Hey, they were like a family and it was comfortable so why not?

"Yes, I would really love to."

Horror chuckled slightly at that already feeling relieved. He leaded his friend to his room since it was closer. They didn't feel like changing so they just immediately jumped into the bed clinging to each other once again.

It took a while, but they did fall asleep. Definitely faster then they would do alone. And they would lie if they said they didn't feel safer in each other's arms.

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