White panic [Error and Cross]

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Step after step Error explored the castle's hallways. It might be true that he has been living here for what, three years now? But he never really got to see the entirety of the place. Mainly because there was absolutely no reason to. He and the rest of Nightmare's gang had all their rooms fairly close to each other, as well as other additional ones like kitchen or the bathroom. So there was no need for anyone to wander around their large house and risk getting lost. The only one who went around the whole place was Nightmare. He has lived there way longer than anyone else, besides before he gathered his gang he had been there all alone, also he had to make sure that it was a good hideout for him.

Today however Error was unusually bored and it seemed like nothing could kill this feeling. Not even his boyfriend could come up with anything. So he decided to finally look around the castle.

Having thought about Cross, his cheeks flushed with color and he hid his face in his scarf, despite no-one being around, force of habit. They have been in a relationship for quite a long time now, but Error still couldn't believe it. He was actually dating. And not just anyone, but Cross, the tall, handsome and overall amazing skeleton, who somehow also fell in love with him.

Error couldn't find a reason why out of everyone the monochrome skeleton would love him, however he had plenty of reasons why he loved Cross and if anyone disagreed with him, he would fight them. But then again if someone agreed with him he would fight them too, because how dare they try to get his boyfriend away from him.

And so the time passed with Error looking at the corridors and peeking inside the rooms. So far nothing interesting had happened, or...?

He was standing at the end of the hallway looking at the door, which seemed like the person placing them there never finished their job. Shrugging, he came inside and froze.

No-one has ever certainly finished this room. It was big, empty, cold, had no windows, but mostly, it was white. The floor, the walls and the ceiling were all white, not even a hint of a different hue. Looking at it from this angle it look just like...

"AAAAAAAH!" Error let out a panicked scream.

"Not this place again, no no no no!" His mind screamed at him.

It looked like his old house, or as most call it - the anit-void.

Fog clouded his mind as he tried to turn around and leave, run, teleport, anything, but it didn't work. He was stuck in place as he placed his hands on his skull, scratching it frantically. If there's an anti-void, there's also the voices. He could feel long tears streaming down his face, while he was shaking like a leaf, finally landing on the floor and trying to hide the view from his eyes. He wanted to leave, to stop crying or shaking or screaming, but nothing worked in his favour.

Anti-void might have been the place where he spent a lot of his time years ago, but after getting out of there and living in the four walls for a long time, but also gradually recovering from his insanity and a bunch of mental illnesses, he finally understood how messed up this place made him. Knowing it all, he grew terrified of it. At first he thought that it wasn't that bad, so he tried to visit once after that, but it ended in panic and at that moment he swore to himself that he would never come back there again.

His panic right now wasn't surprising given the circumstances, but he was paralyzed with fear. He didn't want to go insane again nor be alone.

"Not again, not again, not again!"

If Error could focus on anything else right now, he would hear the sound of someone tall running. The noise stopped and Cross peeked through the door, not sure what to expect. His eyes widened as he saw his boyfriend on the floor, shaking and muttering to himself. He quickly fully opened the door and run through them in front of him. He grabbed the panicking skeleton's shoulders and shook him gently.

"Error! Error it's me, Cross! Hey, can you hear me?!" He tried his best to reach to him, but it didn't seem to work at all.

"Ok Cross think, what could have made him panic so much?" He eyed the room, looking for the source and saw... nothing and immediately understood. He had to take Error out of there, right now.

Knowing that trying to make his boyfriend move most probably wouldn't work, he picked the shorter one up, exiting the room in a hurry. Cross closed the door with a loud bang. He had to find something to sit on. He opened one of many doors and fortunately for him, the room got a couch.

With Error still in his arms, he sat down and looked at the other. He seemed to calm down a tad, but still didn't show any signs of a contact with reality.

"Error? Hey Erry, you are not in the anti-void, you're safe and with me, I will protect you." He hugged tightly the whimpering skeleton to his chest, until he got an idea.

He slowly took off his jacket and fully covered Error with it, providing him warmth, comfort and darkness which was good, since anti-void was known for its... whiteness.

He wrapped his armss tightly around the other, who he could still feel shaking and crying underneath the material. Cross was nervous himself given Error's state, but he knew that it would only get better from now on.

He held the skeleton close, rubbing his back trying to ground him and finally his efforts paid off.

"C-Cross?" Error said in a small, stuttering voice. He didn't see him, but identified his physical features and the characteristic, enormous jacket, he was wrapped in. Sure, Cross was much taller than him, but this jacket looked oversized even on him.

"Yeah, it's me." His boyfriend's voice answered with relief. "Are you alright now? Do you remember what happened?"

Error wondered for a while. He did remember, even though the memories were a bit hazy. Perhaps that's for the best.

"I'm better, sorry for that. And I remember."

Hearing the muffled apology from the skeleton who was still buried under his jacket, Cross hugged him tighly. "You have nothing to apologize for." After a while of silence he added, "I was worried about you."

Error shakily smiled and made himself comfortable in the strong, warm hug. He was grateful for the darkness too. It made him feel much calmer.

Eventually he got out from under the jacket to face Cross, who smiled upon seeing him.

"Hi!" He laughed.

Error chuckled, wrapping his arms around him tightly. "Thank you for taking me out of there, I had no idea that there was a room like that here..."

"Neither did I. Good thing that I found you."

Error nodded. "...Wait, how did you even know where I was?"

"I heard you screaming and launching an attack from Gaster Blaster."

"..." Error went quiet and just hugged him tighter in appreciation. He didn't remember summoning his attack, but wasn't surprised that he did. "Sorry that you had to find me like this, I didn't mean to-."

He wasn't given a chance to end his sentence, as Cross put his hands on his cheeks making him blush and look up at him.

"Erry, it's alright. I'm happy that I found you and was able to help you. I love you and I want you to be safe, alright?" He rubbed the other's cheeks assuringly, making the shorter hide his face in his chest and let out a quick "Iloveyoutoo."

Cross blushed as well. "Now, do you want to cuddle or something else?"

Error wordlessly pointed at his jacket and understanding his request, Cross once again hid him underneath the fluffly material.

The glitch smiled contently, enjoying the darkness. He felt Cross embrace him tightly in his arms, as he was sitting on his lap. He laid his head on his chest. He felt safe.

Let's just say that after that day the entrance to the unfortunate room was blocked permanently.

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