Cuddles [Error, Cross and Nightmare]

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This one-shot was inspired by/based on this:

This one-shot was inspired by/based on this:

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It's part of Karta3's book. Also tagging them, because they wanted to see the one-shot. Now you can skip to the chapter.

Random thought of the day: Error's current clothes are good, but I will always love his first ones more. Even if they are basically just a recolor of Sans' clothes. The thing is, Sans' clothes are so good. When you're about to fight the final boss, you expect them to look a bit more like a threat. And then there's Sans, the OP character who comes to you, looking like he just woke up, not like he's about to kill you. And I love it, it fits him so much. The same goes to Error, so I will always prefer his old clothes. Plus he looks so comfy, it's just ahsjsshsh.


"Heyy Error."


The moment Cross appeared inside of his room, Error could tell that something bad was going to happen. Subjectively speaking of course. Cross just had this aura emitting from him and Error didn't like it.




A moment of silence followed, while the two skeletons stared into each other's eyes, like they were having a staring contest. Well if they were, then Cross lost.

"Soo Error?"

"Ugh. What is it?" The black-boned skeleton huffed, giving in, making the other grin in victory.

"Nightmare wanted to cuddle."

Error just gave him an "are you serious?" look and massaged his temple, irritated.

"And that's the reason to make me pause watching Undernovela? Go and cuddle with him then." Error turned around to look back at the glitchy screen. Deep down he knew that he wanted to join, but he couldn't just admit it, both to Cross, and to himself.

"Sounds good," Cross followed his boyfriend's eyes, only to appear in their field of view once again, "but Nightmare wanted both of us."

Error flushed a little at the words, but just folded his arms and looked in different direction. He was feeling conflicted, so he just stayed quiet. That is until he felt familiar hands on his shoulders.

"Come on, he even mentioned that he's going to give us something in gratitude, if I manage to drag you with me." Cross gave his boyfriend a little kiss on the cheek, not failing to see signs of curiosity on his face.

Error has indeed perked up a little. A reward? It was probably just going to be chocolate, but then again how could he resist chocolate? Plus he knew Cross couldn't either...

Wait no! He couldn't just give up that easily. He turned around and huffed.

Seeing that, Cross pinched the top of his boney nose. He knew the time for negotiations was over. Well then, time for plan B. He was getting Error to cuddle with him and Nightmare, and he was determined.

"Hey!" Error complained, when he felt himself being picked up and thrown over Cross' shoulder. Once that was done, he exited the room and started walking down the hallway.

The now carried monster struggled only for a moment, knowing damn well that the other was physically stronger than him. Yes, he was better at fighting overall, but almost only using his magic as an attack, Error's physical strength was lacking. Especially compared to a previous royal guard.

Despite his demeanor, Error was trying to squash the increasing feelings of excitement and happiness, building up inside of him.

"It's good that you stopped." Cross spoke, referring to Error's lack of struggling. "You know, since Nightmare wanted to cuddle with the two of us. I'm sure he'll be glad to see both of us, especially since he told me that I'm 10/10 in cuddling." With those last words Cross hid his face in his scarf, smiling goofily.

Meanwhile the sentence grabbed Error's attention. "Ten out of ten?" He let out, louder than he intended.

"Uh-huh, you're 9/10." He tried his best to appear uninterested, but the "why?" question was stuck in his throat. Luckily for him, Cross decided to provide an answer. "Said that you're hard to convince to do it."

Well that was true, but Error's pride still hurt a little.

They arrived inside Nightmare's room, seeing its owner sitting in a massive armchair. Seeing his two boyfriends, he gave them a soft smile.

"I see that Error was successfully acquired."

Cross chuckled at Nightmare's choice of words and nodded. Then he finally let the other down, onto the ground.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Error rolled his eyes.

Before he or Cross were able to do anything else, two tentacles wrapped themselves around each of them respectively. Both tendrils brought them next to Nightmare, who then sat them on his lap.

"There." Cross said and wrapped one of his arms around Error. Tight. Not tightly enough for it to hurt, but enough to ensure that the wrapped skeleton wouldn't escape that easily. And even if he was planning to, Nightmare then proceeded to embrace them with his arms and tentacles as well.

Cross clung to Nightmare, hugging him and the Error with all his might. After a while, the latter joined in and snuggled close to Nightmare, who just sighed in content, as the two nuzzled him.

He was supposed to be that big, scary king of negativity, but fuck it. He loved cuddling, especially with both of his boyfriends at the same time. Even if he discovered it only now.

Cuddling with Cross was great, cuddling with Error was great, but cuddling with them both? Heaven. He hugged them tighter, blushing immensely along with them.

Adding Cross' fluffiness and their combined cuteness, it all really felt like paradise at the moment. He adored the two on his lap, before closing his eyes. One a bit shy, but willing, another grumpy, but Nightmare could feel his shyness and willingness too. They both were so lovely and he has probably never felt as blissfully as he did now. He just wanted to relax and sit with them like that for hours upon hours. However before he could do so, he heard a voice.

"What about that prize you promised me and Cross?" Error asked in a quiet, relaxed voice. It was obvious that he was feeling comfortable too.

"Well here it is. Reward for dragging you here to cuddle, is more cuddling."

Error's facial expression quickly changed into one of confusion and surprise. Whatever words he might have wanted to say, died down once Nightmare started gently petting his and Cross' heads. Simultaneously he felt white skeleton's hug loosening a little, at the comforting touch.

Shit, it all felt so good, so pleasant. Error gave up and without a hint of reluctance or grumpiness, cuddled into Nightmare and Cross. Perhaps tha prize was what he wanted and needed after all.

Error's book of angst and fluff (finished)Where stories live. Discover now