Small moments [Error and Nightmare's gang]

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"What the hell are you trying to accomplish here?"

"You'll see in a second."

Error huffed through his nose hole, remaining seated at the table. He really would have appreciated receiving some sort of explanation, not just Nightmare barging into his room with the "no time for an explanation, you need to come with me" energy. Apparently, it wasn't even that important! He was merely dragged to the kitchen and ordered to wait. Needless to say, he was not amused.

Meanwhile, Nightmare grinned smugly and grabbed Error's mug. It was a simple white dish that didn't grab much attention. That is until the glitch lifted it in order to drink something, revealing the image of the middle finger on the bottom. Quite fitting. Error rose his brow seeing that, but the other merely shrugged.
He grabbed a blue-colored pack and poured the contents into the mug, adding cold milk right after. Next, he mixed the two ingredients together until a brown, fluent liquid appeared before his eyes. Content with the result he put the mug down on the table, making Error even more confused.

"Are you trying to force me to enjoy coffee, again? I have already told you I can't bear to swallow this shit."

"Mmm, kind of. What I'm trying to achieve here is to make you join our coffee Fridays with actual coffee." The glitching skeleton opened his mouth, presumably to argue, but before he could even utter a sound, Nightmare chimed in. "No, there's nothing wrong with your hot chocolate per se, but it's not the beverage in the name, you know?"

"You're such a perfectionist." Error shook his head in half-hearted disapproval.

"Perhaps." The king of the castle pushed the mug closer to the destroyer, prompting him to drink. "This is the last time I'm trying. If you don't like this one, I promise to leave you be."

Error let out an exaggerated sigh, but took the mug. He sipped slowly, his eyes widening a bit after a while. He found himself taking another sip quite willingly.

"Good, isn't it?" Nightmare laughed seeing Error's bafflement.

"How the hell? I was expecting bitter and hot, not this." The shorter monster squinted his eyes eyeing the liquid.

"It's called ice coffee. After a while it's not hard to notice that for some reason out of all the hot drinks your tastebuds only tolerate chocolate. And as conflicted as I feel about this, bitter is also not your taste. So instead, I present to you a cold coffee with a shit-ton of milk. So, what is your judgement?"

Error didn't respond immediately, too busy with his drink. After a while, an empty mug was put back down on the table.

"I think that I might just properly celebrate those coffee Fridays."


Horror's skull promptly rose, hearing the slow and quiet knocking just outside his room. He sat up on his bed, now gracing the door with his gaze.


"It's me." The glitching voice was, of course, unmistakable, but not the tired tone. "Can I come in?"


A second later slouching Error went inside, making Horror tilt his head.

"Tiny's tired." It didn't take a genius to notice that, but the owner of the room still felt like pointing it out.

"Yeah, actually funny story... I was wondering if you... I mean if I... Ugh, are you planning to take a nap right now?" Error swayed on his legs, glitching intensely.

"Was in the process, why?" A soft, knowing smile made its way onto Horror's face, but he let the other continue at his own pace.

"Yeah, so, would you maybe mind if I joined?"

Error's book of angst and fluff (finished)Where stories live. Discover now