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Hmmmmmmm... A-ha yeah. Mmhm... That looks correct...

Woah wait! Who the hell are you?

Ughh, you must have fallen through one of my portals, when I was randomly opening them. Great, another multiverse's abomination.

What? You don't know what the multiverse is? Oh stars, you really don't know? Eh, I might as well.

See, the multiverse is a place in which all of the AUs are stored. What, you don't know what the AU is either? It stands for alternative universe. Basically a place where you live is an universe, but there are billions of the alternative versions out there, which differ from each other. Sometimes more and sometimes less, you get the idea.

Like, there is the original universe - Undertale and there lives the skeleton called Sans. He's got his own personality of course, but in the Underswap all of his features are swapped.

And so, in these numerous worlds are just as many Sanses and each of them is different from the rest.

Wha-? What do you mean by "Are these Sanses alone?" ? Obviously not.

Most of them have their friends like Toriel or Undyne or Frisk. Well, it depends really, but still. Some many others too. And all the monsters have somebody. For example, Undyne has Alphys, or Muffet who has her spiders.

However, the most important person for almost all the Sanses is their Papyrus. Yeah, they're brothers and they really care about each other.

Well, there are some Sanses who have lost their brothers, friends and even whole universes, due to umm, some inconveniences. They were forced to kill all of them or something like that. Yeah, forced. It was all because of Chara killing their loved ones and driving them to such extreme solutions. One would think that in that case they're alone, right? Wrong. These skeletons were found by Nightmare. Long story short, he's a king of negativity. He has gathered them together and now they're like a makeshift family. They... they really care and love one another. Looks like even the "villains found their place. Others call them "Bad Sanses" or something similar, but they are not actually evil. Some monsters are just stupid.

Which reminds me of Ink. I hate the guy. Yet, even he has the people who worry about him. Welp, he's the damn creator, so of course many know him. Anyways, he usually hangs out with Blue and Dream.

Blue is from Underswap, I mentioned it before, and Dream is Nightmare's brother.

The three of them are really good friends, they usually stick together and fight against...their enemies.

There's also Geno, who resides in the Save Screen. It's kind of like a void and he can't really leave it. You would think that he is sentenced to being forever alone, but no. Recently Reaper - the god of death himself - started visiting him. He discovered he can't kill him, so he likes hanging out with him. Geno is acting stubborn, but I'm sure that with his help he will soon be able to leave that place.

I mean... imagine being stuck in a void you're entire life, all alone, with nobody to love or even care about you... You-you would definitely go crazy, insane even...
Ughh, basically what I'm trying to say is that all the Sanses, all the monster and every human has somebody. Be it a family, friends or even friends who resemble a
family. How could they not if they live in such big universes filled with life...?
Huh?! You're still here? I completely forgot about you. I'm returning you to your universe now-! Wh-. Did you just say "What about you?"

Wh- wh- what about me!? Huh? No, I didn't just chatter up! I was simply answering your stupid question. I told you what you wanted to know, s-so be grateful. I could totally kill you right now, but I would rather leave it until I go destroying. You're lucky I wasn't planning on destroying your universe today or you would be already dead.

He? "You will be alone aga-". No, nonono. Im not listening to you anymore, I'm opening a portal beneath you right now!

They're gone. Phew. Now, there's no-one here...only...me and nobody else... like it has been for decades... Only


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