Other type of confession [Error and Horror]

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So, I think we can all agree that this book has quite a few reads. Well, time to put this to good use. Error x Horror propaganda bby. 🤤🤤

Also I have tumblr now. The same name as here. Come and say "wenamechainasama" or idk, some goofy ahh greeting.


To say that Error was nervous would be an understatement. He should have announced it sooner, but how was he supposed to just say that at the beginning of their relationship? That would be so embarrassing! He was already awkward in this department as he was, he couldn't just actively make it worse for himself.

And yet... this resulted in him stalling for so long, two whole years of his relationship have passed. Not only was Error stressed, but now he was also feeling incredibly guilty as well. To drop such an info bomb after two whole years? It was not looking good for him in any way, shape, or form.

"He's gonna break up with me, he's gonna break up with me for sure!" The paranoid chanting in his mind didn't help, but he had promised himself he would finally go through with it. After all, he would have rather Horror broke up with him than stayed and hoped for something that Error couldn't provide him with.

Each creak-producing step was heavy on his soul. It almost felt like he was heading towards his doom, not to talk with his significant other. It shouldn't feel this way, Horror was the most loving and caring monster there was, he had enough time to solidify that knowledge as a fact. Yet still, even he had his limits as well as needs, and, unfortunately, Error wanted to respect that. He needed! Horror did nothing to deserve such a poor excuse of a boyfriend as Error. He deserved much, much better.

The glitchy skeleton knocked on the big, wooden door, sudden silence filling the air. He was certain that just a second ago he could hear Killer and Dust's conversation from one of the further rooms, so why did it have to disappear right now? He would rather focus on the distant noises than his rushing with thoughts mind.

Mere seconds later the inside of the room was in sight and so was its owner. His single eye light moved down to eye the newcomer, the sight stretching his mouth into a smile.

"Tiny! Hello! Came to... hang out...?"

Despite his apprehension, Error couldn't help but smile lovingly. This big pile of bones was so charming without knowing it. If anyone else called him short, he would get annoyed at the very least, but Horror? He couldn't if he tried. Besides, it wasn't even a stupid nickname, it was just a simple fact. At first, Error thought that Nightmare was tall, and then he met the Horrortale Sans... Compared to him everyone was tiny whether they liked it or not.

"Yeah, you could say so." The destroyer's mismatched eye lights wandered down to look at the very interesting wooden panels.

Before he could take even one more step, the other took him into his arms per usual. Error didn't protest. He was just sad that he couldn't relax as always. Laying in Horror's arms was usually the most comforting activity ever, but not today. He just wanted to savour this moment, however, his body clearly disagreed, tensing involuntarily.

With a slow but steady step, the taller managed to walk right next to the bed. He was ready to put his small boyfriend onto the sheets and then hop next to him, but Error interrupted the process.

"Actually, can we not cuddle... right now?" The glitching skeleton gave the other an awkward smile. Truthfully, there was nothing more he wanted to do than to snuggle up to the big and warm body of his boyfriend. It would be so pleasant to fall asleep in his arms and get transported to the world where his mind wouldn't get plagued by his own worries. Unfortunately, no such luck, he's been waiting too long to converse about it with Horror as it was.

Error's book of angst and fluff (finished)Where stories live. Discover now