Happy for you [Error and Nightmare]

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Lithromantic - a person who feels romantic attraction toward the others, but usually doesn't seek out a relationship with them.

This is of course not the whole definition, so if you would like to know more you can read more about it in the Internet. I just find it interesting and wanted to write something like that.


Living at the same place as your crush was weird, at least that's what Error thought. Well, that would be probably uncomfortable for many, especially if the person was already in relationship with somebody else, but not for him.

When Error first realised he had a crush on Nightmare he was devastated, mainly because the goopy skleton was already Cross' boyfriend. In that situation there was no chance he would accept Error's confession.

"He probably wouldn't accept it anyway..." Error thought sadly.

However, as few days passed, he realised that he wasn't jealous or anything. He saw Cross and Nightmare cuddling, hugging, kissing and doing all of these couple stuff and never felt bad about it.

If anything he felt...happy. For both of them of course since they were his friends, but mostly for Nightmare. At first he was so surprised by this fact, that he had to wait a long time to finally acknowledge it fully.

He had a crush on Nightmare, but he also wasn't jealous of him being with somebody else. What a weird combo.

Despite that, Error still liked imagining himself and Nightmare being a couple. It came to a moment when that was literally the 99% of his thoughts. It was on his mind before going to sleep, after waking up, during meals or hanging out with other members of the gang. Even while he was sitting right next to Nightmare and Cross, who were snuggling on the couch and watching movie with Error. Well, he wasn't really watching, he would usually zone out.

Almost a year has passed and yet, Error's feelings haven't changed. He was so in love, enjoyed imagining being with Nightmare, but nothing else.

Perhaps there was something wrong with him. After all, a lot of things actually were. He wasn't an expert on romance and truthfully he wasn't bothered by his rather unusual situation.

Although, he was rather curious and figured it would be only fair to tell Nightmare how he felt about him. Error worried it would be a little awkward, but wasn't really embarrassed that much. He wasn't planning to destroy his
relationship with Cross after all, just letting him know. Yeah, that was fine.

Error knocked on the door of their boss, at least that's what other monsters outside the mansion thought. In reality they were all good friends.

"Come in."

Error entered, checking around if somebody else was in the room. He would rather nobody else knew.

"Error? Is something wrong?" Nightmare turned to look at Error, who was looking around.

"Er- sorry. But actually I wanted to talk to you about something."  The glitching skeleton scratched the back of his neck.

"Sure, I have time. Let's sit down first." Nightmare sat on his bed as the other followed and sat cross-legged as well.

There was a while which passed in silence, when Error tried to collect his thoughts. Nightmare didn't say anything seeing that, but it was taking quite long.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" He asked.

"I..." Error looked down, he wasn't embarrassed a while ago, but now all of his confidence disappeared. He was basically confessing. Not exactly, but still! Or was he? He wasn't sure.

Error's book of angst and fluff (finished)Where stories live. Discover now