Glass of milk [Error and Nightmare]

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Yee I'm back. I kind of wanted to make a longer note about it but there isn't really much to say. The reason why I left is not really important, but just believe me that it wasn't at all what I wanted. Anyway, I probably will start taking requests in my other book again in a while, in case you're interested. I'm also going to organise this profile a bit cause it's a mess. Yada yada it's not really important, so you can read the chapter now.

IMPORTANT (not really): Also I don't know what the feck is this chapter. I just suddenly felt a really strong urge to write, but had like 0 ideas, anddd this happened. Not really original or anything, but then again almost none of these are.

Also also, feel free to imagine this as a bad sans poly, it's not implied anywhere, but I imagined it like that while writing.

Tick, tick, tick, tick.

Error suddenly sat up on his bed and groaned. He's been trying to fall asleep for what felt like ages now, but no matter what, he just couldn't, plus every little sound, mainly from the clock, was irking him.

It wasn't the first time he had troubles falling asleep, but for the longest time now he has been doing fine.

He turned around to look at the annoying clock, which read 3 am. While it was true that he sometimes stayed up on purpose, today was not one of these days. He felt tired, but not exactly sleepy. Deciding that he has had enough of tossing, he slowly got up and exited his room. He wasn't too sure what he was going to do, but he just needed to take a rest from his bed. How ironic.

Going down the stairs with his thoughts wandering, he remembered that Nightmare once told him that drinking milk was good if you want to fall asleep, or was it something else...? He wasn't too sure and he didn't exactly had his own experience to lean on. Either way he could try.

He entered the kitchen and started almost blindly looking for needed stuff. He should have probably turned on the light, but he just hated such brightness in the middle of the night, darkness however was good, comforting.

After a while he managed to pour himself a mug of milk and headed to the living room, where he sat on the couch.

"Can't sleep either?"

Error jumped and almost screamed when he heard the unexpected voice, quickly looking in its direction, which was right next to him. However he quickly calmed down when he recognized the shape of a familiar skeleton, after all your average monster doesn't have tentacles.

"Fuck Nightmare, you should have said something before I sat next to you." He said after a relieved sigh.

"Sorry Error." Nightmare chuckled. "But you just looked so absent-minded, I couldn't help it." He gave him a little kiss on the cheek.

"More like tired." Error took a sip from the mug, however he smiled tiredly at the affection. "Why aren't you sleeping?"

"...I could ask you the same thing."

Error huffed, but decided to answer. "I'm not sure, I mean, I'm tired, but not sleepy, if that makes any sense. Plus I got bored of just laying in my bed."

"It does, especially since I feel the same." Nightmare replied moving closer to his glitchy partner, so that he could see him clearer.

"Then I guess that makes both of us." Error blushed slightly at the closeness and took another sip. "That reminds me, is drinking milk good for sleeping? Because I think you said something about it a while ago, but I'm not sure."

"Yes, yes it is. Belive me, if it wasn't I would ask you about it already." Nightmare grinned slightly at his boyfriend. While it was true that Error didn't know a lot of things, due to previously living in the isolated anti-void, he was always willing to help him with anything.

Error just nodded and then they sat in silence for a moment, while the shorter one was finishing drinking his milk. When he did, he felt a bit more sleepy, but still not enough to actually fall asleep. Once he put the mug on the table he felt a single tentacle slip around his waist, which then brought him closer to Nightmare. Error looked up at him and nuzzled into his chest.

"Thanks Night, love you." Altough a bit grouchy because of his sleepless night, he was still grateful for the affection. "But you should probably go to sleep now, how long have you been sitting here anyway?" However he also still wanted him to go to sleep, since as far as he remembered, not sleeping was unhealty, plus the simple fact that he would be just straight up tired the next day.

"Not that long, plus I still don't feel like sleeping. Besides you're the one who should go back to bed. " Nightmare insisted, wrapping his arms around the other and putting his chin on his skull.

"Mmm, I dunno, I'm also still not sleepy right now." Error replied, getting comfortable in the hold.

Nightmare thought for a while, searching for a good solution. "Then how about we just stay here and see if we fall asleep, hm?"

Error hummed. "What if we won't though?"

"Well, then when the day comes we will just go on like usually and go to sleep whenever we finally feel like sleeping".

"When that happens can we also cuddle up in one bed?" Error asked, quietly hoping for a positive answer. He always found falling asleep easier when he was in Nightmare's arms...

"Sure dear, I would love to." Nightmare answered, petting Error's back. He could almost physically feel him smile into his chest. After a while he spoke up again, "So what, you're sure you want us to stay here?"


"Do you want to do something? Watch a movie, talk, eat anything?"

"Not really, just cuddling please." Error looked up at Nightmare with a soft blush, making him chuckle.

"Alright, then just let me bring myself a glass of that milk." He said, slowly getting up from the couch and going to the kitchen.


"Hmm?" The said skeleton turned around to look at Error.

"Actually could you bring me one too?"

His boyfriend nodded making Error smile. It was going to be a long night, but with Nightmare by his side, he didn't really mind.

Error's book of angst and fluff (finished)Where stories live. Discover now