Meeting James

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"Here we go.." said Edward. "Brace yourselves, you two."

   Maddy didn't need a telling twice, as she hid behind Thomas. She covered her ears as she heard a terrible screeching noise. 

"Heeeeeere's James!" the engine said. Maddy didn't even know what he looked like, but at least she knew his name now. Whoopie.

"You really need new brakes, James," Edward sighed. "One day you'll catch those old wooden things on fire!"

"Psh, no I won't! Anyway, who's this?" he asked, looking over at Thomas. Thomas obviously stated his name, not saying a word about Maddy, respecting her privacy.

"Oh, you're the new engine. You're..a lot smaller than I thought!" James scoffed. Thomas took offense to that.

"Hey! At least I'm not as small as-" he shut up, feeling his water tank get punched. He yelped quietly, which caught James' attention.

"As small as..who? You're the smallest I see here."

   Edward didn't say anything either. At least he knew well enough not to say anything, and Maddy was thankful for that. He just rolled his eyes, tired of James already.

"Spit it out, little engine. What are you hiding?" he asked, puffing forward. STH just shook his head.

"He'd find out about you eventually, my dear. Just come on out and meet him."

   She didn't come out. Maddy didn't want to. She didn't like this other engine. Thomas didn't care though, as he puffed backward, revealing what he was hiding.

"Thomas you son of a bitch-" she exclaimed, trying to hide again. Feeling defeated, she just pulled up her hood and pulled the strings.

   Edward gasped at the language this girl dare spoke. James was quiet for a moment, and just started wheezing. 

"Oh my GOD. A HUMAN?! She's..She's puny!" James cackled.

"James, that's enough," barked STH. "She is just as capable of work as you are! Now, come on dear. Let him see you."

   Maddy just grumbled, pulling back her hood. She looked around for a moment, looking for the prick. Her eyes laid on a sleek, black mixed-traffic engine, with the number 5 on his tender. What caught her attention most were his eyes. They were big, and sort of a red-orange hue. She didn't want to admit it, like she ever would, but the engine, despite being a total jerkwad, was a handsome fellow. James just laughed.

"You're so pouty..!" he snorted.

   She rolled her eyes. "I might be pouty but at least I'm not a fire hazard."

Both Edward and STH had to purse their lips and look away. They found it hilarious, but they had to remain professional. Thomas, on the other hand, nearly broke a side rod laughing.

"Not even an hour and she already got you, James!" he laughed. James spluttered, trying to come up with something, but failed. He knew nothing about this girl, not even her name.

   Maddy smirked slightly, proud of the insult she came up with. She liked putting jerks like that in their place.

"Well..uhm, glad to have you both here," STH cleared his throat. "We must leave you be, Edward has a branch line to run, after all. Good day to both of you."

   Before Maddy could protest, STH hopped into Edward's cab. He peeped his whistle goodbye, and Thomas and Maddy where alone with James.

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