Missing Pieces

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   The moment the controller heard that his Number 15 had  supposedly ran away, he was at a loss for words. She was an important asset to the railway, more important that she even know. She was popular, unbeknownst to her, but really, everyone knew. By all means, she was a tourist attraction that brought traffic to the island. She never knew that people would come to the island for the sole purpose to catch a glimpse of her on the rails. She never noticed the people standing behind the fences, attempting to take a decent photo of her.

   But, why would she care, she spent a good chunk of her life living in infamy for something that wasn't her fault, and that's what she was used to. Of course, she knew she had a fan group here and there, but she had no idea that residents and visitors were so fond of her. She wouldn't have known what changed, and no one was going to tell her, for fear it might've impacted her work for the worse, by either inflating her ego beyond belief, or stress her out. Either way, her friends weren't going to take that chance, so they let her be. If she were to figure it out, it would be on her own accord.

   The news had long spread, and still, no one took it harder than her group of friends. Each and every one of them were in their own slumps, some more so than others. Those who had partners by their sides were slightly better off than those who had no one. Which meant that James was one lonely, hurting guy.

"James, I know it's hard.." Edward soothed, sitting on the edge of the bed that James left exactly once within a week. "But you know you have to get back to work.."

"I don't want to." the man grumbled, pulling the comforter over his face. "What's the point if there isn't anyone to get up for..?"

"You- We have plenty to get up for, boy.." he sighed. "Each other.."

"You have Henry. Who do I have..?"


"I don't have anyone anymore, Edward. She's gone, and we don't know where she is."

"I'm aware of how much of a bother this is, we all do, but we have to come to the terms that maybe she knows what she's doing.."

"Maddy never knows what she's doing!" he snapped, sitting up. "She's so incredibly unpredictable! Even I never know what she'd say or do next, and that's what I liked about her...her rashness...the unpredictability..she was so incredibly absurd that I'm 98% certain she's made me a better, more humble person..I-I want my wife back, Edward.."

"..I know.." Old Iron sniffled, pulling James in for a hug. "I really..really do know..I want my baby girl home more than anything.."

"My- My other half is gone...she could be ANYWHERE..and- and..."

"Just let it out, James.." he cooed, giving him a soothing pat on the back. "You know it's not healthy to keep that all in. She was a perfect example of-"

  He felt James lurch forward and just let out the most anguished cry he'd heard come from the red man in a long time, and all he did was hold him.

   Though, the sound put those who remained at the sheds at a standstill, watching, and felling oh-so terrible for James.  The one fan of him that ended up being more than a fan had left her life with him behind.

   They all approached Edward and James, enveloping the two in a hug, which only made James cry louder. All of these warm embraces, yet none of them were his Honey Bee.

Sodor's New Worker (Semi-Hiatus Due to an AO3 rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now