Peep Peep!

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   It's been several months since Thomas and Maddy arrived on Sodor. They made great friends with everyone around them. Both had difficulty with Gordon, but Edward told them that the big fuss pot would come around sooner or later. During those months, Thomas was rewarded with his own branchline. Maddy was proud for him, but sad at the same time. Now she could only hang with him if he was pulling his trucks. Nonetheless, she congratulated him. However, with Thomas leaving to work his branchline, that left poor Maddy alone to shunt coaches for the bigger engines.

"Hurry it up, little Maddy! The Express mustn't be late!" Gordon demanded.

"Just a second, Gordon, I need to shunt these other coaches!"

"Now, Madison!"

   Now, everyone knew that Maddy didn't like to be called by her full name. No one knew why, but they wouldn't question it. She growled, hopping off the rails.

"Shunt your own fucking coaches!" Maddy hissed.

"The nerv-" Gordon was cut off.

"No, you listen here you big steaming bozo! You're not the only one that needs things put in place! If the timetable is that important to you, suck it up and do it yourself! I'm tired of you bossing me around every morning!"

   Maddy stomped away back to the sheds. Gordon wasn't going to deal with such mouth. STH needed to know about this right away.

"Pah!" was all he uttered as he unwillingly went to fetch his coaches.

"Maddy? You in here..?" called a voice. She recognized it as Edward.


"Sir Topham Hatt wants to see you in his office at Knapford." the engine said. "What did you do..?"

"Told Gordon to piss off and shunt his own coaches." she retorted, hopping off her bed. "Think you can take me?"

"That's why I'm here..Sir Topham Hatt stopped me while I was stationed at Knapford, and I'm going back that direction hop on, dear."

   Maddy only gave him a half-smile as she climbed on the fatherly engine.

Once at Knapford, she waved goodbye to Edward, and went toward STH's office. She wasn't too terribly worried. Gordon deserved it.

"Ah, Maddy, have a seat." the controller said rather sternly.

"I know, I know what I'm here for.." she groaned, sitting down.

"I'd like to hear your side of the story."

"I'm the only one stationed to shunt coaches ever since Thomas left. Gordon doesn't like how I do it, so I told him to fuck off and do it himself. I get overwhelmed by how many trains I need to put in place, and he's not helping."

   STH sighed, tapping his hat against his bald head.

"You could've said it without such language."

"I was angry, sir. I need someone to help me. I'm not an engine, so it's difficult for me to do this by myself.."

"...I'll see what I can do, Maddy. Now run along."

"Thank you, sir."

   Once again, Maddy was shunting coaches. Honestly, she loved the job, but Gordon made her want to just..scream. Right now, Henry was assigned to pull the Express today, leaving Maddy delighted. While she sorted everything into place, she thought about what STH would do about her shunting issue. Would he find another engine? Make the bigger engines do it themselves? Would-

Peep peep peeeep!

A high-pitched whistle sounded off.

"Dear Lady-" she exclaimed.

"Hello there!" peeped a small engine. "I'm looking for an engine named Maddy?"

"..I'm right here."

"You're not an engine."

"Wow, really?"

  She rolled her eyes.

"Are you the new engine Sir Topham Hatt sent in..?"

"Yup! My name is Percy. My, you sure are small! What's a human like you doing in a place made for trains?"

"...I'll let someone else tell that story. Come on, let me show you the ropes."

   Maddy. Was. Exhausted. This new engine was cheeky, almost too cheeky, He wouldn't shut up, asking questions about her that she didn't feel like answering, asking questions she literally couldn't answer. He was like a child.

"Come on, Percy..home's this way.." she yawned.

   The little engine followed her happily. As they got nearer to home, he noticed all the other engines. Before he could even say anything, Maddy butted in.

"You introduce yourself, I'm going to bed."

"..Oh, okay.." the little engine quietly whispered. Was he too much already..?

"Oh dear..another little tank engine.." muttered Gordon.

"Gordon, I swear to Lady if you complain about him, I'll derail you."

   They had all noticed that Maddy picked up some of their mannerisms.

"Wow, what's with the mouth, girlie?" a snide James asked.

"You wanna find out, fire hydrant?"

   The two just made faces at each other.

"Anyway..this is Percy."

"Hi Percy!" peeped Thomas. The little green engine greeted him back.

"Cool, Thomas, you introduce him to everyone. I need my sleep."

   And with that, Maddy made her way to bed as everyone got acquainted with Percy.

Sodor's New Worker (Semi-Hiatus Due to an AO3 rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now