Bonnie and The Diesel

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   After weeks, Bonnie was still very much in the works, unable to come up to steam without getting ill. Victor knew what was wrong, but the problem was, he didn't know what to do other than wait.

"I wanna go hooooome.."

"Amiga, you know you're not doing well..I want you to go home too. But until I figure out how to deal with....this, you're stuck here as much as Henry was."


   Bonnie just sighed, but since Alfred had long since left, she was moved to the front of the works, where she could at least see outside and look at things that weren't machines.


   Peering around, she noticed Rosie puffing by, and since she couldn't exactly whistle like a regular engine at the moment, Bonnie pursed her lips together and let out probably the loudest whistle that could come from a tiny engine. It certainly got Rosie's attention.

"Goodness! Hello Bonnie!" Rosie peeped. "You're still in here?"

"I am..I'm so..bored.."

"I know how much it sucks to be hanging up they know what's wrong?"


"Do they....know how to fix it?"


"Do you know what's wrong?"


"Are you doing to tell me?"


"That's...fair." Rosie giggled. "It's your life, not mine, but I won't stand someone being bored. I'm not due for another train for a while. How about we talk? Catch up? I really haven't seen you much ran into our conversation.."

   Bonnie noticed Rosie's smile trailing off, which told Bonnie that things probably weren't getting any better.

"How's that going?" Bonnie asked.

"Travis is still hung up on his little sister..I get it! She was cool and fearless.."

"This is something I already know, Rosie." she deadpanned. "Either tell me something new about this girl or I can't properly help you."

"Ah? You're going to help me? Why?"

"Because I've got no bias against this Travis, and I don't exactly care how he feels when I speak my mind. Someone's going to kick him in the ass and it's going to be me. Nothing's more embarrassing than having a saddle tank that's a third his size tell him off. If that doesn't kick him into gear, nothing probably will."

"Are you sure..? You've not even been here six months.."

"I'm confident in my abilities." she replied, the seemingly bored look never leaving her face. "Now speak, Rosie."

   Rosie told her everything she knew about Maddy. Some of it was from her own personal encounters, but most of it was talk from other engines that was passed around the island. Bonnie learned that she was a very troubled girl. She was rowdy, smart mouthed, temperamental and rash. But, she was known to be cheery and kind. Just a little thing, like Bonnie herself, not afraid to speak her mind either.

"But as far as I'm aware, she had untreated mental issues that..I don't think she ever got help her...and.."

"Her husband drove her to suicide, yadda yadda.." Bonnie hummed. "I think I got it. Blind family, bad husband and a brother who blames himself for a death that's not even remotely his fault."

"It's been so long, I'd think he'd move on by now, but he's so stuck on it being his fault that he's...not paying attention to the family that's alive.." Rosie whimpered. "I'm afraid that if he doesn't get help, we over.."

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