Going Swimmingly

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A few days had gone by since the disaster duo and Emily had knocked the tar out of each other. The sun was bright and warm, perfect for Maddy to bask in like the lizard she was. If only she wasn't in a dead sleep. The same went for James, who was just as knocked out in bed as she was, their limbs tangled with one another, soundly snoring and probably dreaming about the other.

"Did someone slip Maddy melatonin..? Maybe James too, while we're at it?" Henry grumbled, slowly losing patience with their loud snoring.

"Thomas?" Edward frowned, turning toward the cheeky engine.

"Why me?! I didn't do anything! Promise! I want them to wake up too! I have something to ask them!"

"Emily.." Gordon groaned. "Go back there and wake them up. This is getting annoying."

"If she knocks me in the head again, it's on you." Emily spoke, only half kidding. She knew, or, thought she knew that Maddy would never do something like that again.

"Maaaaaddy.." she purred, shaking her. "It's time to get up.."

When that failed to work, Emily instead pinched her nose, causing Maddy to stop breathing for a moment before startling awake, gasping for air.

"There we go. Good morning, hon."

"What year is it.." Maddy yawned, rubbing her eyes. "I'm so sleepy.."

"You look exhausted. Something happen to you two last night?"

"Huh? Oh..last night.."

As Maddy was more awake, she began to recall what happened last night, and, as a result, she literally kicked James off the bed, who landed on the ground with a satisfying THUNK.

"WHAT THE-" he screeched, nearly knocking his head on his nightstand as he sat up on the floor. "WHAT HAPPENED-"

"Maddy..!" Emily cackled. "What was that for..!? Did he really deserve that?!"

"HE had to go on a late-night delivery and dragged me along so he wouldn't be alone. I didn't get to bed until three in the morning."

"You enjoyed that trip, Honey Bee!" he laughed, hoisting himself off the floor.

"It would've been even better if you let me nap, but nooooo.." she said snarkily, "Maddy had to stay uuuup..!"

"You enjoyed it. End of story. I saw the way you looked at the stars in the sky, blabbering on to me about the endless abyss as if I understood any of it."

"Space is cool, thank you very much."

"Alright, alright.." Emily interjected. "Enough, lovebirds. Thomas wants to ask you two something."

Maddy simply looked at Emily dead in the eye, kissing her teeth before laying back down.

"Back to bed."

"Maddy!" Emily stifled, yanking the covers off her. "Talk to the tank engine!"

"Nnnnnno. He probably plotted some prank with Percy. Put the covers back on. I'm cold."

"Don't make me drag you out, girl."

"You wouldn't dare."

But Emily did dare. She grabbed Maddy by the ankles and dragged her out of bed. James only stood by, laughing at her expression.


"Naaaaah-" he wheezed, following Emily outside, since Thomas did want to talk to the both of them.


"As you wish!" Emily smiled, dropping Maddy off in front of Thomas.

"Ow!" she hissed, standing up to dust herself off.

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