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[A/N: Hi! Long time no see. I may or may have not forgotten about this story...and lost motivation to write for it. I will never abandon it, no no. But, life often gets in the way, you know? I've recently gone back to re-read this, and the motivation has once again struck. For how long, I cannot say. But! Here we are! Enjoy! - Pickle]

About a week after their little stay-in date, Maddy was once again back on the tracks, delivering engine parts to the Steamworks. Though, despite being on the island for five or so years, she had only been there once. What reasons did she have to be there? She wasn't an engine. Maddy also knew of Victor, and Victor knew of Maddy, but the two have never properly gotten acquainted.

"Yoo-hoo! Is anyone here?" she called out. "Hellooooo!"

"Boss, I think your delivery is here," said an unknown voice. "Hi, there! Who..are you?"

Maddy looked to her left, greeted by a small crane rapidly moving toward her. Right, she had never met this guy either.


"Ah, sorry miss..uh.."

"Kevin! Don't scare her!" Victor sighed, approaching them on his narrow-gauge tracks.

"You must be...Victor? Did I remember that right?"

The smaller engine chuckled.

"Yes, amiga. You must be Maddy." he grinned. "James does nothing but talk on and on about you whenever he's in here. Now I see why."

Her face went red as Victor proclaimed that James spoke about her. Question was, what all did he talk about?

"..Ooooh! That's who you are! Now I remember..." Kevin spoke, twirling around on his wheels.

"What all has he said about me-"

"Nothing terrible. Now are those our parts?"

"Yeah, do you need help unloading them?"

"No, no. Our workmen can do it, but thank you for the offer." Victor hummed. "Now do you have anything else you need to do?"


He watched Maddy's face go from completely blank to utter panic in about five seconds. She DID have something else to do. She was supposed to help Edward deliver feed to some local farmers.


"I'm going to take that as a yes. You be off, now! Kevin and I got it from here."

All he got was a panicked wave as she sped off to meet up with Edward.

"Oh, damn it. Where did he say to meet..? Was is Vicarstown..? Maron..? Shiiiit.." she groaned to herself. Maddy became consumed in her thoughts and wasn't paying the best attention to her surroundings.

It wasn't until she remembered that Edward said to meet him at Wellsworth that she heard an unfamiliar whistle and shouting.

"Get off the track!" a voice called from behind her.


Having hardly any time to react, Maddy made a break for it, only to catch a glimpse of silver blast right on by as she took a [somewhat] safe tumble to the ground.

"WHO THE FUCK-" she screamed, but by the time she looked, the engine was long gone. What a dick.

"Ugh.." Maddy groaned. As she stood up, though, she realized it hurt to put her weight on her right leg.

Sodor's New Worker (Semi-Hiatus Due to an AO3 rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now