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   After discussing each of their interests to Mrs. Kindly, she assured them that she had everything under control, and there was nothing they needed to worry about. It was as if they both felt a weight lifted off their shoulders.

"You feel better?" James asked once they began puffing away from Mrs. Kindly. "Are we done fighting..?"

"We're done fighting about this, at least."

"Are you suggesting we'll be fighting about something else down the line?" he questioned. "Seriously?"

"You know I'm right.." Maddy softly giggled. "There's never a day when we're not fighting. But...this serious fight is over. So long as you listen to Mrs. Kindly and not hog the spotlight."

"I won't, I won't!" he sighed, glancing over at her, who was laying on her stomach near his buffers. "Even then, I hate seeing you so angry. I hate feeling how angry you get, especially at me. Burns a lot more than it should..don't you?"


"Are you telling me you don't feel a single moment when I get angry?"

"I feel the flare-ups, but since you're always mad about...something, I've grown kind of numb to the pain..? I used to feel a dull ache all the time and it bothered me a lot."

"I'm not always angry!" James scoffed, not accepting the audacity of this woman. "But what do you feel now..?"

"I still feel it, it just..doesn't bother me. It's become normal for me to the point where I don't notice it unless you're legitimately angry at someone. But I've noticed it especially hurts when you're mad at me..and I'm sure it's the same for you."

"No one makes my boiler want to explode like you do, Honey Bee." he chuckled. "But you're right. You're full of white-hot rage. If you're yelling at Thomas..sure, I feel it, and it hurts. but when you yell at me? Sweet Lady do you make things hurt."

"You think I do it on purpose?" Maddy laughed. "You think I want it to hurt that badly for you?"

"Of course not..I think. But still, how does the magic know you're yelling at me...?"

"It's...magic that is its own entity within me. It's got its own sentience..I guess."

"How strange."

"Nothing's stranger than me, and you damn well know it."

"Well, I'm marrying you, aren't I? What's that say about me?"

"..That you're into, short, feisty women who will-"

"And there's that Maddy I fell for."

"What the fuck do you mean, 'Maddy you fell for'?" Maddy huffed.

"I did fall for a hotheaded woman who could hold her own in a fight, and here you are, unlike that mopey, stress mess you've been for Lady knows how long."

"And you're still the same, stuck-up asshole that swooped me off my feet."

"If my memory serves me right, I wasn't even trying." he smugly said. "I was just being myself."

"Yeah yeah, there's that smugness.." Maddy rolled her eyes, smacking his buffer. "Asshat."

"You've got a lot of nerve-"

Sodor's New Worker (Semi-Hiatus Due to an AO3 rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now