Scottish Turmoil

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   Maddy was indeed with Donald, chatting away about simple things. She was sipping on hot cocoa she got from a station that Donald was at while he waited for another train to pass by. Though Maddy almost spilled it on herself when Donald said he was about to leave the station. Donald was just being an asshole. The train hadn't passed yet and he received a kick to the boiler.

"You dinnae have to kick THAT hard!"

"I nearly spilled hot chocolate on myself, you asswipe. I'll kick you as hard as I like." she huffed, swinging her feet.

"Something doesn't feel right, I think I'll have to go to the works-"


Donald chuckled to himself. He and Douglas loved poking fun at her.

"You suck."

"Nae, lass. Now, what's James done now?"

"He's just a dick as usual.."

"Bah, but you still love him, right?"

"Of course I do...he's just...just...he's James. He's a jerk and even I haven't been able to fix that."

"Well you know you're free to hang around Douglas and me for as long as you need."

"I know, I know...I've been bouncing around all morning between my friends to avoid him. No one's happy with him right now."

"May I get the details..?"

   She sighed, quickly telling the story of what had happened that morning. By the time she was done, Donald had a giant frown plastered on his face.

"Why I oughta-"

"Just...don't, Don..."

"Hell, even Dougie and I don't know nearly as much about you as he does and even I know that's not called for!" 

"Okay, okay...I told you the story and I don't want to talk about it anymore. Can I just sit here and chill..? Talk about other things..?"

"Ah, sorry Mad...yes you can.."

   So they continued talking about menial things to pass the time until Donald had to fetch his brother to clear some blocked lines. Once he saw Maddy's long face, Donald was quick to catch him up. Douglas had a near-identical reaction to his brother. He quickly dropped it after Maddy just said to drop it. Fortunately, he did. The three then traveled off to clear the lines with Douglas in front and Maddy sitting by his side.

"...So is this seriously the first real fight you've ever had, Mad..?"

"Yes, Doug, it is. It stinks a lot more than I thought it would. I don't want to talk to him. Connor texted me from his phone earlier and Donald told me to tell James to kiss my ass. I didn't get an answer after that. James is probably looking for me right now..."

"Most likely."

   Not long after, all three heard an all too familiar-toned whistle. While Maddy couldn't see him, she saw the smoke from his funnel. She began to do something she often did, but her friends didn't like it as it endangered her.

"Oi! Maddy! What are you doing?!"

"Hiding!" she shouted, scooting her way to Douglas's cab. Though the engines didn't like her crawling about them while they moved, most of their crews were used to it. Douglas's driver moved aside in his cab and she crouched down to be as out-of-view as she possibly could. She quietly thanked his driver.

"Donald! Douglas! There you are! Connor said Maddy was with you! Is she still there?!" James asked, putting on his brakes in the middle of the track. The twins also stopped, only to not cause an accident.

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